[Corinth Basket] NB129 P37

Deposit 129 37 NB129 P037 From removal of top meter from sections VI, VIW and VII NW (i.e., west end and west half of north side). From removal of top soil (?) in areas VI, VIW,VII NW Removal of top soil ... 1932/05/18;1932/05/20


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 129, spread 23 (pp. 35 - 36)

35 36 Pg. 35, Byzantine storage pit, east of temple, 9/5/1932, C 1932 10, Fragment of center of pot Pg. 35, Byzantine storage pit, east of temple, 9/5/1932, C 1932 11, Fragment of center of pot Pg. 35, ... 9/5/1932, 18-20/5/1932


[Corinth Monument] Temple E

Standing 9 meters above the Forum, Temple E occupied as prominent a place in the Roman city as the Temple of Apollo. In its first phase, the temple had stone foundations, probably with a triple crepis ...


[Corinth Image] digital 2014 1638

Measles ware ... Dellatolas, Petros ... specific view DRAWER 232 Canon EOS 5D Mark II P0 ... 2010-05-11 00:00:00+03