[Corinth Basket] NB133 P101

Deposit 133 101 NB133 P101 Mixed levels from track laying east of 1904 level ... 1933/04/26


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 133, spread 67 (p. 101)

101 Pg. 101, Area v-w: 1-17 (p 96), 26/4/1933, C 1933 778, BYZANTINE GREEN GLAZED BOWL; vase Pg. 101, Area v-w: 1-17 (p 96), 26/4/1933, C 1993 779, vase Pg. 101, Area v-w: 1-17 (p 96), 26/4/1933, C 1933 ... 26/4/1933


[Corinth Monument] Forum southwest

In the 1970's Charles Williams conducted excavations in this corner of the forum in which several Roman buildings were uncovered. Excavation continued to reveal a large portion of the pre-Roman city ...