[Corinth Basket] NB142 P20

Deposit 142 20 At bottom of Byzantine dump Byzantine dump From large Byzantine deposit overlying basilica NB142 P020 ? ... 1934/03/15


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 142, spread 15 (pp. 20 - 21)

20 21 Pg. 20, C 1934 60, PERSIAN FRIT CUP; small cup Pg. 20, C 1934 64, fragment of plate with raised rim Pg. 20, C 1934 62, BYZANTINE INCISED SGRAFFITO BOWL; fragment of bowl Pg. 20, MF 3674, lead seal ... 15/3/1934


[Corinth Monument] South Basilica

The south basilica appears to have been built using the earlier Julian Basilica as a prototype. The entrance to the basilica from the north was via a broad marble reveted concrete staircase in a court ...