[Corinth Basket] NB170 P44

Deposit 170 44 NB170 P044 Box3 Shop XXVII to +0.75 m. above toichobate ... 1937/09/20


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 170, spread 26 (pp. 43 - 44)

43 44 Pg. 43, 18/9/1937, S 2350, part of marble arm Pg. 43, 18/9/1937, MF 7435, loom weight with stamp Pg. 44, 20/9/1937, C 1937 3009, YELLOW GLAZED SGRAFFITO BOWL, NORTH GREECE ? ... 18/9/1937, 20/9/1937


[Corinth Monument] South Stoa west

The Stele Shrine includes a square-shaped temenos enclosed by a wall, established in the mid-6th century B.C. Inside the temenos, a stele, evidence of burnt offerings, and an offering table are indications ...