[Corinth Basket] NB73 P15

Deposit 73 15 Exact provenance unclear ... 1914/10/28


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 73, spread 18 (pp. 14 - 15)

14 15 Pg. 14, C, Red ware. ish with letters on the bottom Pg. 15, C, Handle of jar ending in horse's head Pg. 15, MF 68, STAMPED POTSHERD OF RED GLAZED WARE Pg. 15, FA 117, ROMAN PALMETTE ANTEFIX


[Corinth Monument] Julian Basilica

The Julian Basilica closes the east end of the Roman forum. It was a two story structure with cryptoporticus below and a peristyle hall above. The basilica was built in the early years of the 1st century ...


[Corinth Image] bw 1998 003 10

Roman Palmette Antefix