[Corinth Basket] NB189 P237

Deposit 189 237 NB189 P237 Kiln I, west hypocaust and brick fill, -1.00 to 1.70 m. Kiln I, west hypocaust and brick fill, -1.00 to -1.70 m ... Context: Late 4th c. B.C.


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 189, spread 24 (pp. 236 - 237)

236 237 Pg. 237, West Hypocaust, 28/5/1940, FM 35, TERRACOTTA WELL COVER; Fragment of tile with rounded openings Pg. 237, West Hypocaust, 28/5/1940, FM 36, TERRACOTTA WELL COVER; Fragment of tile with ... 28/5/1940


[Corinth Monument] Tile Works

To the north of the junction of the road leading to the village from the Argos road is a shed covering a well preserved tile kiln. The kiln consists of two long fire chambers over which were once built ...