[Corinth Basket] NB9

Deposit 9 NB9*829 P114 B078 Lot 1990-106 Dark brown fill east of wall 9 above northeast cornerof nave of church North of the Bema. NB 9c, spread 42 NB 9c, spread 43 http://corinth.ascsa.net/id/corinth/notebookpage/nb%209c%2c%20spread%2042?q=%22i%20285%22s=3 ... 1990/05/16


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 9c, spread 42

[no page number], Peirene, I 24, ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE: LATIN, GREEK [no page number], Peirene, I 119, ROMAN INSCRIBED ARCHITRAVE-FRIEZE BLOCK: LATIN [no page number], Peirene, I 284 [no page ...


[Corinth Image] bw 6822

Latin Inscription ... 1949