[Corinth Basket] NB108 P55

Deposit 108 55 NB108 pp. 55 Trench II North Road Deposit, grid N2 ... Classical

[Corinth Basket] NB108 P83: From Deposit of Trench VII

108 83 NB108 pp. 83 We dug in Trench VII to a depth of 80 cm. below the surface. A thick deposit of sherds begins at a depth of 30 cm. below the surface. It extends from 1. to 4. m. from the edge, + is ... 1938/04/30


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 108, spread 32 (pp. 54 - 55)

54 55 Pg. 54, Figurines, KT 1 83, A FLAT FEMALE FIGURE WITH MOULDED LOCKS & NECKLACE; small cylindrical female figure with pointed handles Pg. 54, Figurines, KT 17 6, rider of more developped type ...


[Corinth Monument] Potters' Quarter

Located at the western edge of the walled area of Corinth, the Potters’ quarter was a complex of workshops and domestic quarters used by potters for three centuries from the seventh century until the fourth ...