[Corinth Basket] Forum south central, area just north of Byzantine pottery est: area just north of Byzantine pottery est

Deposit NB P112 i-l:9-11, area just north of Byzantine pottery establishment, in medieval fill, -0.95 to -1.70 m ... 1938/03/11


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 175, spread 62 (pp. 111 - 112)

111 112 Pg. 112, i:l:9:11-Greek drain, 11/3/1938, C 1938 200, PLAIN-GLAZED FAIENCE CUP; box sherds Pg. 112, i:l:9:11-Greek drain, 11/3/1938, MF 7965, bronze key ... 11/3/1938


[Corinth Publication] Corinth XII. The Minor Objects

Davidson, Gladys R ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 12 This catalogue of over 3,000 items presents a huge variety of ephemera from ancient Corinth, fascinating for the glimpses of daily life in an ancient city which they offer us. The book presents ... 1952