[Corinth Basket] NB81 B133 P256

Basket/zembil 81 133 256 Trench R III In the trench just N of rear wall of House P near NW corner = R III. We have found a good many fragments of the same bowl which Wace got out in part in this same place ... 1915/06/25 ... referring to (there is no reference to Wace getting any

[Corinth Basket] NB230 B10052 P56: Removal of strosis +85.624 in remaining of Room #3

Basket/zembil 230 10052 56 NB230 B2 PG56 April 28 (p. 56-57) Using Basket #2 we removed strosis +85.624 down to strosis +85.464-85.304. [Finds stamp.] This strosis was cut through by Wall #16 and Wall ... 1961/04/28 ... be referred to as strosis ... refer not to the layer just ... refers to the removal of the

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B65 P50

Basket/zembil 84 65 50 House K, south Later he cleared to south. The huge stone slab pavement ment. on page 44 turns out on reexamination to be an artificial pavement of some migma or other. Looks rather ... 1916/06/20 ... pavement Blegen is referring

[Corinth Basket] NB147 B1 P18: Context Pottery (Box Project 2014)

Basket/zembil 147 1 18 Lot 1935-012 On box in Old Museum: "Byz sorted / Agora South East / March 27, '35 " on wooden tag in box: "Agora South East March 27 35 / 46-63: H-Z / 2.00 to 2.40 below track ... mixed, Byzantine through Modern ... the grid reference is :

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B110 P71

Basket/zembil 84 110 71 R, pit east of altar, II (=R II) II 0.20-0.40 not finished LM III Tzonou-Herbst=I assume that R I and R II refer to the pit that he started digging to the east of the Altar ... LH III ... II 0.20-0.40 not finished LM III Tzonou-Herbst=I assume that R I and R II refer

[Corinth Basket] NB84 B188 P120

Basket/zembil 84 188 120 Minyan House under F The men cleaned walls out of Minyan House under F we got two pots coarse ware - one was strainer. Coarse pot was in extreme SE corner of House. [Nakassis: ... 1916/09/16 ... referred to is CP 0268, as the

[Corinth Basket] NB9

Deposit 9 NB9*829 P114 B078 Lot 1990-106 Dark brown fill east of wall 9 above northeast cornerof nave of church North of the Bema. NB 9c, spread 42 NB 9c, spread 43 http://corinth.ascsa.net/id/corinth/notebookpage/nb%209c%2c%20spread%2042?q=%22i%20285%22s=3 ... 1990/05/16 ... http://corinth.ascsa.net/id/corinth/notebookpage/nb%209c%2c%20spread%2043?q=references%3A%22Corinth%3ANotebook%3A9c%22s=43

[Corinth Basket] NB83 B134 P41

Basket/zembil 83 134 41 East Alley XII, mid section Went to level XII 195-210. Good pieces scarce but a few are still brot up. One piece strangely enough looks like LM I. At this level in the middle ... LH I ... [AddN: "[apparently refers by ... Tzonou-Herbst= Blegen refers to the