
[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 12 (pp. 12 - 13)

12 13 Pg. 12, Base mould fr. Veneered Wall, Drawing Pg. 12, Base mould fr. Veneered Wall, Drawing, Column base smaller order Pg. 12, Base mould fr. Veneered Wall, Drawing, Column base larger order one ...


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 13 (pp. 14 - 15)

14 15 Pg. 14, aeolic capital & smaller Roman base N of Col. Facade, Drawing Pg. 15, Drawing, East end channel Pg. 15, Drawing, North end channel


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 14 (pp. 28 - 29)

28 29 Pg. 28, Architecture blocks in 1907 Dig behind St John Boudroumi, Drawing Pg. 29, NW shops colonnades, Drawing, NW shops colonnades


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 15 (pp. 18 - 19)

18 19 Pg. 19, Greek pavement back of Triglyphon, Drawing


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 16 (pp. 20 - 21)

20 21 Pg. 20, Poseidon in Agora; Dolphins, Drawing Pg. 21, Drawing, bock on top 300 high on plan Pg. 21, Drawing, Terrace wall North of Old Spring


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 19 (pp. 26 - 27)

26 27 Pg. 27, Line of overhanging wall??shadow above curb, Drawing


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 20 (pp. 40 - 41)

40 41 Pg. 40, larger cornice colossal archit., 30/6/1908, Drawing, Larger column architecture Pg. 40, larger cornice colossal archit., 30/6/1908, Drawing Pg. 41, Drawing ... 30/6/1908


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 21 (pp. 30 - 31)

30 31 Pg. 30, Babbius building roof, Drawing, Babbius building roof Pg. 31, 7/6/1907, Drawing ... 7/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 22 (pp. 32 - 33)

32 33 Pg. 32, cornice block smaller order, 26/11/1907, Drawing, cornice block smaller order Pg. 33, 8/6/1907, Drawing, sketch line Pg. 33, 8/6/1907, Drawing Pg. 33, 8/6/1907, Drawing, metope on frieze ... 26/11/1907, 8/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 23 (pp. 34 - 35)

34 35 Pg. 34, Column capital West of St John, Drawing, Column capital West of St John Pg. 34, Column capital West of St John, Drawing, Volute in Boudroumi from #94 Pg. 34, Column capital West of St John, ...


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 24 (pp. 36 - 37)

36 37 Pg. 37, 10/6/1907, Drawing ... 10/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 25 (pp. 38 - 39)

38 39 Pg. 38, Babbius building Corinthian capital NW of ld Spring on marble pavement, Drawing, Babbius building corinthian capital NW of ld Spring on marble pavement Pg. 38, 21/11/1907, Drawing, Dowel ... 21/11/1907, 11/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 26 (pp. 52 - 53)

52 53 Pg. 52, Drawing Pg. 53, Bases on terrace by Peirene, Drawing Pg. 53, Propylaia, 25/6/1907, 0289, Start of Roman steps on East side of paved way Pg. 53, Propylaia, 25/6/1907, 0290, Start of Roman ... 25/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 27 (pp. 42 - 43)

42 43 Pg. 42, Large cornice Colossal architecture, Drawing Pg. 42, Large cornice Colossal architecture, Drawing, Large Cornice colossal architecture piece a Pg. 43, 17/6/1907, Drawing ... 17/6/1907


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 28 (pp. 44 - 45)

44 45 Pg. 44, Large cornice Colossal architecture, Drawing, Large cornice Colossal architecture Pg. 44, Large cornice Colossal architecture, Drawing Pg. 45, Small Greek Temple, Drawing, Small Greek Temple ...


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 29 (pp. 46 - 47)

46 47 Pg. 46, Boudroumi shops Relation of doors & columns, Drawing, Boudroumi shops Relation of doors & columns Pg. 47, South shops, Drawing, #7 Pg. 47, South shops, Drawing, #6 Pg. 47, South shops, ...


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 44, spread 30 (pp. 48 - 49)

48 49 Pg. 48, Drawing, For upper stores doric columns Pg. 48, Drawing, NW Stoa 1:100 Pg. 49, Drawing