 Nezi Field 2008 by Thanos Webb (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)Area North of the 1961 Byzantine House, Frankish through Modern levels 
 Nezi Field, context 6791Ash Layer 
digital 2008 0158Large pit at N edge of excavation - truncated by 20th C excavation of the South Stoa, fr. NE 
digital 2008 0159Large pit at N edge of excavation - truncated by 20th C excavation of the South Stoa, fr. Above 
 Nezi Field, context 6397surface below the cookpot 
 Nezi Field, context 5179Small pit fill - bottom stratum - ashy & carbon ri 
 Nezi Field 2008 by Jody Cundy and Megan Thompsen (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)1961 Byzantine House, Courtyard and Surrounding Rooms at Modern through Late Byzantine Levels 
Nezi Field, context 5678E-W partition wall 
 Nezi Field, context 394fill 
 Nezi Field, context 6393cookpot deposit resting on surface 
Nezi Field, context 6253Tile Built Floor 
 Nezi Field 2008 by Joseph Lillywhite, Joel Rygorsky, Matthew Sears, Martin Wells (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)Early Modern through Late Byzantine levels in Nezi Field 
 Nezi Field, context 6423Dark Red fill 
 Nezi Field 2008 by Sarah Lima (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)Western Suite of Rooms in the 1961 Byzantine House, Late Byzantine and Frankish Levels 
Nezi Field, context 6131Leveling Fill 
Nezi Field, context 5552E-W running rubble foundation wall 
 Nezi Field, context 6838pit fill 
Nezi Field, context 5561Wall 38 extension (N-S wall) 
 Nezi Field, context 6711Fill above Concrete Subfloor 
Nezi Field, context 278fill overlying foundation trench 
Nezi Field, context 6038Foundation Trench of wall (5463) 
 Nezi Field, context 6810Compact Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 6847pit fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5230fill- part of the 1961 martyr 
 Nezi Field, context 5313leveling fill 
Nezi Field, context 598Pit Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 6814Ashy Deposit 
 Nezi Field, context 5497fill of pit consisting of cobbles 
 Nezi Field, context 6733Clay Surface 
Nezi Field, context 5568Fill of redeposited roof tiles 
Nezi Field, context 6997Fill between walls 
 Nezi Field, context 5738hard surface under gravel path/floor 
 Nezi Field, context 5503Fill cut by W edge of pit cut 5498 
Nezi Field, context 512Pit Fill, 1st from top 
 Nezi Field, context 5943Fill from Well 
 Nezi Field, context 5872Dumped fill 
 Nezi Field 2008 by Alexis Belis, Christina Gieske (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-26)Early Modern and Modern contexts in the extension of the Nezi Field excavation 
 Nezi Field, context 6282Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5327floor of 1961 house courtyard 
Nezi Field, context 5430N-S running Wall E of Wall 5494 (Wall 77 in the pr 
 Nezi Field, context 401fill 
 Nezi Field, context 434Natural or Agricultural Deposit 
Nezi Field, context 5166Pit Fill 
Nezi Field, context 5567Fill of large pit 
 Nezi Field, context 439Dumped Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 6739Leveling or Dumped Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5238Foundation Trench Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 17earlier modern concrete fence foundations 
 Nezi Field, context 335Return of E wall of Apsidal building 
 Nezi Field, context 458Dumped Fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5319Removal of skin baulk 
digital 2008 0088Area immediately W of 1961 House courtyard, possible structure pedistalled by 1960s excavations, fr. WSW 
 Nezi Field, context 5199stone dump SW corner 
Nezi Field, context 5485Late Byzantine wall in Room bounded on west by wal 
 Nezi Field, context 6696Leveling Fill for External Surface 
Nezi Field, context 504cleaning 
 Nezi Field, context 5271leveling fill and destruction debris 
 Nezi Field, context 55021960s excavation martyr in Room bounded on west by 
 Nezi Field, context 5852topmost fill of E-W robbing trench of Wall 5725 
Nezi Field, context 5553N-S running rubble foundation wall 
 Nezi Field, context 16most recent modern concrete fence foundations 
 Nezi Field, context 5325leveling fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5500Fill cut by N edge and E edge of pit cut 5498 
 Nezi Field, context 5684Fill of foundation trench for wall 5442 
 Nezi Field, context 5314floor 
 Nezi Field, context 5698dumped fill E of Wall 6 (Wall 5725) 
 Nezi Field, context 817Removal of E-W wall over 647 
Nezi Field, context 5443E-W Wall 
Nezi Field, context 5428Fill N of Wall 58 and S of E-W Wall 
Nezi Field, context 411fill 
 Nezi Field 2009 by Sarah Lima (2009-05-25 to 2009-06-15)Final Report 2009 - rooms south of the courtyard of the Byzantine House, first phase of the Byz House 
 Nezi Field, context 5229Natural accumulation, abandoned house 
Nezi Field, context 7094collapse fill 
 Nezi Field, context 5261stone removal 
 Nezi Field, context 448Dumped Stones 
 Nezi Field, context 6540surface 
 Nezi Field 2009 by Martin Wells, Katie Rask, Dreya Mihaloew (2009-05-18 to 2009-05-19)End of 2nd session, 2009 
 Nezi Field, context 5523Cleaning on north face of 1960s excavation martyr 
 Nezi Field, context 5499Fill of white clay filling and lining upper layers 
Nezi Field, context 5267fill from robbing trench 
 Nezi Field, context 5538Martyr from 1960s excavations, stratum III 
 Nezi Field, context 5840Martyr of fill of Robbing trench 5791 
NB982 B6 P11  
Nezi Field, context 5510Fill, Robbing Trench 
 Nezi Field, context 5673Cut above east west drain in courtyard 
 Nezi Field 2009 by William Bruce, Scott Gallimore (2009-04-27 to 2009-05-15)Nezi Session 2, 2009 
 Nezi Field, context 5830E fill cut by robbing trnech 5791, overlying robbi 
 Nezi Field, context 395Tile layer at N baulk 
 Nezi Field, context 5703topmost fill of pit cut to E of Wall 6 (5725) and 
 Nezi Field, context 5491pit fill of debris S of remaining second course of 
 Nezi Field, context 5355fill under wall 5353 in 1960's excavation baulk 
Nezi Field, context 5501Archaeological Cleaning 
 Nezi Field, context 6243Tile fill 
Nezi Field, context 5508E-W Wall 
Nezi Field, context 5341Wall N of the "corridor" N of Room E 
 Nezi Field, context 5324tile and cobble floor of courtyard in 1961 house. 
Nezi Field, context 5285North-South Wall 
 Nezi Field, context 252Pit fill N of Structure 243 
 Nezi Field, context 5629pit cut 
 Nezi Field, context 5832Soft fill cut by foundation trench 5779 and wall 5