Corinth Basket: Nezi Field, context 5246
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Nezi Field, context 5246
Area:   Nezi Field
Context Type:   Fill
Title:   Lens of fill
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1101
Context:   5246
Page:   0
Date:   2008/04/16
Stratum:   Inclusions consist of pottery and stones, from fine to large pebbles, round and tabular subspherical. %5
Description:   Top slope of the context is level. The soil color is light reddish brown. The soil compaction is loose. The soil is poorly sorted. It is silty sand.
Notes:   We are excavating a lens at the south end of our area. We are turning up loose reddish brown soil, although it is also a bit grayer than the surrounding soil. The lens is shallow and gives way to more compact and redder soil, which is similar the soil of the surrounding area.
Context Pottery:   Coarseware. Nied 77, amphora.
Pottery Summary:   6 frag(s) 0.025 kg. (0% saved) coarseware.
    4 frag(s) 0.02 kg. (0% saved) cooking ware.
Context Artifacts:   glass colorless bs 3
Period:   Middle Roman (2/2 2nd c-4th c AD)
Chronology:   3rd-4th NPD
Grid:   264.7-263.95E, 1021.23-1022N
XMin:   263.95
XMax:   264.7
YMin:   1021.23
YMax:   1022
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   85.37-85.44m.
References:   Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Jody Cundy and Megan Thompsen (2008-04-07 to 2008-06-13)
Report: Nezi Field 2008 by Matthew J. Baumann and Nathanael J. Andrade (2008-04-07 to 2008-04-23)
Coin: 2008 56
Coin: 2008 58