Corinth Basket: Temple E, Southeast, context 952
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Basket
Name:   Temple E, Southeast, context 952
Area:   Temple E, Southeast
Context Type:   skeleton
Title:   Scattered Bone Layer of Grave 2016-03
Category:   Deposit
Notebook:   1110
Context:   952
Date:   2016/05/11
Notes:   2016/05/12
At first we believed we were dealing with a small pile of bones at the west end of the burial, but further excavation has revealed many more bones scattered throughout the burial. A complete cranium is located in the east end facing east. The bones have been mixed with a significant number of tiles. The most common elements are long bones and ribs, but there are also a number of other elements represented, including os coxae, scapulae, hand and foot bones, and potentially two more crania or at least cranial fragments. The complete cranium in the east end is resting on tops of what appears to be articulated feet.
In addition to the cranium at the east end of the burial, the facial area of another skull was located in the NE quadrant. The occipital portion of a potential 3rd skull was located in the NW quadrant. Among the long bones collected some belong to juvenile individuals, likely child age. There seems to be more lower limb bones than upper limb bones.
As we removed this layer of scattered bone, we began to reveal a primary inhumation with th ehead likely at the western end. The cranium has not yet been uncovered, but we believe it might be under the broken tiles at the western end. It is possible to see that the individual's arms are crossed at chest level with th eelbows flexed at approximately 90 degree angles.
While there were a few bones located above the tile fragments in the west, there were not nearly as many as in the rest of the burial. There is a femur located to the north of th tiles. Most of the bones were between the stones of the cits lining and the eastern extent of the tomb cut.
Upon removal of the bones, the full extent of those partly covered by other bones revealed that some bones had come to rest alongside and within the primary inhumation. At least 3 os coxae, 2 skulls, two upper limb bones, and two tibia settled on the north side. A femur and a juvenile tibia settled between the legs of the inhumed individual, oriented the opposite way.
Period:   Frankish (1210-1458 AD)
Chronology:   14th
Grid:   127.3-125.7E, 1074.1-1074.7N
XMin:   125.7
XMax:   127.3
YMin:   1074.1
YMax:   1074.7
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
Masl:   84.84-84.97m.
References:   Images (5)