Corinth Image: bw 1963 020 10Th. du Monsel, "Excursion par terre d'Athenes a Nauplie", Paris circa 1845, plate 8, top: Ruins of Middle Ages at Corinth, comprising part of a palace inhabited under the Turkish domination by Kiamil Bey
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Image
Name:   bw 1963 020 10
Title:   Th. du Monsel, "Excursion par terre d'Athenes a Nauplie", Paris circa 1845, plate 8, top: Ruins of Middle Ages at Corinth, comprising part of a palace inhabited under the Turkish domination by Kiamil Bey
Year:   1963
Roll Number:   020
Frame Number:   10
Photographer:   Robinson, H.S.
Notes:   Film: Various
Date:   1963-09-27 00:00:00+03
Area:   Corinth
Media Type:   Black and white medium format negative
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Corinth