Corinth Image: bw 1966 066 26Hypocaust
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Image
Name:   bw 1966 066 26
Title:   Hypocaust
Year:   1966
Roll Number:   066
Frame Number:   26
Photographer:   Bartzioti
View:   From Northeast
Notes:   Film: Selection of finds from 1966 Spring Season ; Outdoor Shots Size unclear (E.P. Jan 2008)
Date:   3/6/1966
Area:   Roman Bath (Great Bath on the Lechaion Road)
Area Description:   Roman Bath
Media Type:   Black and white medium format negative
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Roman Bath (Great Bath on the Lechaion Road)