Corinth Notebook Page: NB 144, spread 89 (pp. 167 - 168)
Entry:   Pg. 167, 5/11/1934, Drawing, fragment of poros doric cornice
    Pg. 167, 5/11/1934, MF 4634, BRONGE RING; glass gem
    Pg. 167, 5/11/1934, S 2120, head of white marble statuette
    Pg. 167, 5/11/1934, CL 2393, fragment of greek lamp
    Pg. 168, 6/11/1934, MF, ball
    Pg. 168, 6/11/1934, Drawing, typical section channel
    Pg. 168, 6/11/1934, CL 2396, Type XXVIII lamp
    Pg. 168, 6/11/1934, CL 2397, Type XXVIII lamp
    Pg. 168, 6/11/1934, CL 2398, Type XXVIII lamp
Date:   5/11/1934, 6/11/1934