Corinth Notebook Page: NB 166, spread 18 (pp. 183 - 184)
Entry:   Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, FS 770, large fragment of terra cotta relief. E gg and dart moulding at top
    Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, Drawing, fragment of terra cotta lions' head
    Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, I 1202 b, white marble
    Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, S 2294, fragment of sculpture white marble. Statueete base with leg and foot and drapery
    Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, MF 6299, BRONZE ARROWHEAD; bronge arrow head
    Pg. 183, 18/3/1937, I 2057
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, FS 771, SIMA WITH HUMAN HEAD; large fragment of terra cotta [?] head in releif
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, C 1937 726, stamped amphora handle
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, Drawing, fragment of marble revetement pilaster
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, Drawing, 2 fragments of Corinthian capital
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, MF 6279, bone pin fragment
    Pg. 184, 18/3/1937, MF 6289, terra cotta easter egg
Date:   18/3/1937