Corinth Notebook Page: NB 166, spread 20 (pp. 187 - 188)
Entry:   Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, I 2058, fwhite marble
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, MFF 6367, terra cotta head female
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, MF 6280, bone pin
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, MF 6301, bronge pendant
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, S 2295, fragment of marble relief probablt large [?] foot and small [?]
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, CL 3474, fragment of type IV lamp
    Pg. 187, 19/3/1937, MF 6290, bowl of turkish pipe stamped
Date:   19/3/1937