Corinth Notebook Page: NB 966, spread 71 (pp. 132 - 133)
Entry:   Pg. 132, Fill of Well 2004-1 east of GR 2004-4. Dark reddish brown sandy clay with 1% pebbles and rare cobbles., 12/4/2005, NB966 B78, Fill of Well 2004-1 east of GR 2004-4. Dark reddish brown sandy clay with 1% pebbles and rare cobbles., Lot 2005 5
    Pg. 133, Deposit west of Wall 190. Dark brown crumbly soil with 20% very small pebbles and 2% larger pebbles., 12/4/2005, NB966 B79, Deposit west of Wall 190. Dark brown crumbly soil with 20% very small pebbles and 2% larger pebbles., Lot 2005 30
Date:   12/4/2005