Corinth Object: C 1937 1411
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   C 1937 1411
Category Code:   C
Year:   1937
Object Number:   1411
Old Number:   C-1937-1413 (lapsed)
Related Objects:   C-1937-1410 ?
Description:   Plate with vertical ring foot, rounded resting surface, flat undersurface. Shallow body rising at ca. 15 degrees with rounded profile to oblique, inward thickened rim, triangular in section, with vertical lip. Rim offset by groove on interior. Exterior left rough.
Decoration:   Thin slip on interior; coarse sgraffito decoration in center: tall figure with bent, raised rt. arm, wearing short garment with slashes on sleeve, 4 long lines down front with parallel horizontal lines across chest, scraped hose (?), compass point in groin; to his rt., a smaller figure in profile with face front. Face round with short curly hair, circles for eyes, straight slash for mouth, draped, arms bent, holding out to proper lt. an implement with 3 pointed sections. Morgan associates this with C-1937-1410. While profile, clay, glaze and profile identical, as well as sgraffito, difficult to see how united composition would work.
Condition:   Fragment. Original: single frgt., preserving 1/2 foot. Join: two frgts., preserving full profile, small part of upper body, rim.
Manufacture:   C70
Dimensions Actual:   H00.050
Dimensions Restored:   D00.118 (foot) D00.24 (rim)
Period:   Late Byzantine (1059-1210 AD)
Chronology:   Late Byzantine to poss. early Frankish
Area:   Forum south central
Context:   NB173 P14
Bibliography:   Corinth XI N1625
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Morgan, Corinth 11, 1942
Monument: Forum south central
Basket: NB173 P14
Notebook Page: NB 173, spread 16 (pp. 14 - 15)
Notebook Page: NB 173, spread 52 (pp. 86 - 87)