Corinth Object: KP 1261
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   KP 1261
Category:   Pottery
Category Code:   KP
Object Number:   1261
Description:   Flat round base, very shallow, flares out in large lobes. Belongs to large mouth oinochoe.
Decoration:   Exterior (dark brown/black glaze): knob, 2 concentric circles on top, 4 bands around edge of knob; 3 concentric bands on flat part of base; lobes black. Interior unglazed
Material:   clay
Munsell Color:   10 YR 8/4 (very pale brown)
Condition:   Complete profile. Three joining frgts, (CP), preserving base, knob; one lobe missing.
Dimensions Actual:   H. 0.031. Diam. Base: 0.037
Period:   Protocorinthian (720-630)
Chronology:   Early Protocorinthian or maybe Late Geometric (Benson says Early Protocorinthian)
Provenance:   Corinth
Findspot Description:   Potters' Quarter Northwest Angle Deposit
Bibliography:   Stillwell & Benson 1984, Corinth 15.3, cat. 213, cf. p. 52
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Stillwell & Benson, Corinth 15:3, 1984