Corinth Object: MF 14249
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 14249
Category Code:   MF
Object Number:   14249
Description:   Large mouldmade figurine of young man standing with weight on rt. leg, lt. forward and slightly relaxed, rt. arm at side, lt. bent to support amphora on left shoulder. Head turned 3/4 to proper rt. Hair short and faintly scored, straight forward, small pinched features, short neck. Wears knee-length garment with short sleeves; faint vertical folds shown on left side, with catenaries around stomach. Legs joined by clay, as are arms to body. Carries unintellible objects in rt. hand. Amphora has straight flaring body to max. diam. at shoulder, low sloping shoulder, cylindrical neck, flaring rim, 2 vertical strap handles. Made in 2-part mould; partial rendering of drapery in back, but arms not fully articulated, legs not at all. Small round vent hole in back above waist D00.007. Mould seam flattened. Details worn.
Decoration:   Traces of redpaint on amphora handles and on objects held in rt. hand.
Material:   Fine soft buff clay with 2% or less very fine lime inclusions.
Munsell Color:   Slightly redder than 10YR 7/6
Condition:   Missing parts. Single frgt., complete except for feet, base; small hole in back of neck, tiny one at side of neck in front.
Manufacture:   01 M MM
Dimensions Actual:   H00.034 (head)
Dimensions Preserved:   H00.172
Period:   Roman
Chronology:   3? Roman? Earlier?
Area:   Outside Excavations
Context:   Outside Excavations, Said to be from Old Corinth
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Outside Excavations
Image: bw 2001 008 33
Image: bw 2001 023 30
Basket: Outside Excavations, Said to be from Old Corinth