Corinth Object: MF 2005 45
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 2005 45
Category Code:   MF
Year:   2005
Object Number:   45
Description:   Terracotta chariot figurine, horse with upright head with muscles indicated, long triangular muzzle, concave underside of jaw, pointed upright ears and short upright mane. Part of front of chariot sloping, semicircular pellet on top of it, attached on left side of horse. Horse similar to MF 2183.
Decoration:   White-slipped overall with with red painted lines for bridle and reins around neck and muzzle. Black paint on and under ears, on tip of muzzle. Red paint on sloping front of chariot, and black outlining the semicircular top of it.
Material:   Fine pink clay with rare medium rounded black and white inclusions and voids.
Munsell Color:   7.5YR 7/4 (pink)
Condition:   Fragment. Single fragment preserving complete head and neck of horse with part of chariot. Slip and paint well-preserved.
Manufacture:   F10, F26, MM
Dimensions Actual:   W. of neck 0.027
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.060, W. 0.033.
Area:   Panaghia west
Context:   NB971 B72 P163, LOT 2005 016
Provenance:   Corinth
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Panaghia west
Image: bw 2008 069 35
Basket: NB971 B72 P163