Corinth Object: MF 2013 11
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MF 2013 11
Category Code:   MF
Year:   2013
Object Number:   11
Description:   Statuette of a draped adult holding a nude male child with the lt hand at the child's lt hip. Shallow relief. Hollow, moldmade. Close parallel to figure of Matrona and Child (British Museum Inv. 1905) reproduced in Agora 6 Plate 3, which suggests that the adult holding the child may be female.
Decoration:   Red paint preserved between fingers of adult hand, between arm and torso of child, on child's legs.
Material:   Fine light red to reddish yellow clay
Munsell Color:   Between 2.5YR 6/8 (light red) and 5YR 6/8 (reddish yellow)
Condition:   Fragment. Only lt hand and partial draped arm of adult figure and lt arm, torso, and legs (excluding feet) of a nude child preserved.
Manufacture:   F01 U with F30 M MM
Dimensions Actual:   Th. 0.011
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.043, W. 0.038
Period:   Middle Roman (2/2 2nd c-4th c AD)
Chronology:   late 3rd-early 4th, based on comparandum with BM figurine
Area:   Nezi Field
Context:   Nezi Field, context 1106
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Nezi Field
Image: digital 2013 0874
Basket: Nezi Field, context 1106