Corinth Object: MP 45
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   MP 45
Category:   Pottery
Category Code:   MP
Object Number:   45
Description:   Skyphos with torus ring foot, rounded resting surface, rounded undersurface. Flaring ovoid body with max. diam. at ca. 00.066-0.069, turning in slightly to rounded lip. Two handles just below lip, one vertical strap, 2nd horizontal loop.
Decoration:   Foot glazed, resting surface, reserved, interior foot glazed, undersurface reserved with small circle and dot in glaze in center; body, both faces, owl facing r., wings folded, with large black rings around dotted eyes, thin "brow" arcs, dots on head; 3 rows of dots at top of wings, 2 spaced rows further down; to either side laurel or olive branches with 4 leaves each. Remainder wholly glazed black.
Material:   Fine light red clay.
Munsell Color:   2.5YR 6/6
Condition:   Complete or intact. Intact; glaze partly worn on vertical handle; chips in lip, top of 2nd handle.
Manufacture:   C21
Dimensions Actual:   H00.081 D00.054 (foot) D00.106 (max) D00.103 (lip)
Period:   5th c. B.C.
Chronology:   Mid 5th c.
Area:   New Corinth
Context:   New Corinth, From box of antiquities confiscated by New Corinth
Provenance:   Attica
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: New Corinth
Basket: New Corinth, From box of antiquities confiscated by New Corinth