Corinth Object: S 1997 7
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 1997 7
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Year:   1997
Object Number:   7
Description:   Over life-size right arm of male, arm lightly flexed; pronounced elbow, extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle of forearm articulated, suggesting that statue was holding something in its hand. Inner surface of upper arm flattened. In top break, end of roughly rectangular large dowel W00.03 PL00.055, surfaces roughly picked; dowel length not on main axes of arm but set at ca. 45 degrees to front or side axis. Surface smooth but not polished. Estimated to have been 1 1/3 life-size.
Material:   Very fine-crystalled white marble.
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., right arm from mid biceps to upper part of forearm. Fine cement-like incrustation or skin over much of arm and break. Interior of forearm slightly flattened, from reuse ?
Dimensions Actual:   W00.141 (biceps, front-back)
Dimensions Preserved:   L00.35
Period:   Roman
Chronology:   Roman
Area:   Forum southwest
Context:   NB904 P149
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Monument: Forum southwest
Image: bw 1997 029 27
Basket: NB904 P149