Corinth Object: S 3620
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 3620
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   3620
Description:   Part of a draped right leg from just above the start of the knee to the top of the ankle, as well as background to the figure’s right. This limb was probably the trailing leg, to judge from its angled position on the panel. Clinging drapery outlines the contour of the calf, with folds reflecting the movement of a himation pulled diagonally across the front of the body and then gathered over the left arm. It is impossible to determine the sex of this personage,
but it may be female. The mantle extends to the ankle, but breaks off above the point where the shorter ankle-length garment of the male or longer edge of female drapery would have appeared. Along the right edge of the remaining background, an incised line runs the vertical length of the fragment, and beyond this are the broken edges of whatever was carved to the right of it. This vertical cut may represent a later effort to detach the panel from its setting or to break it up into more manageable pieces. The line is so straight, however, and so close to the body that it might be the remains of a drilled channel defining the contour of an attribute. The back of the slab is roughly picked.
Condition:   Fragment. A single fragment, broken all around.
Bibliography:   Ajootian 2014, Hesperia 83.2, cat. 8
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Publication: Ajootian, Hesperia 83:2, 2014