Corinth Object: S 3650
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   S 3650
Category:   Sculpture
Category Code:   S
Object Number:   3650
Description:   Figure stands with lt arm down and forearm slightly bent, rt arm possibly bent. Head worked separately and originally set into a deep concave cutting in shoulder (W. 0.185, pres. depth 0.17), surface worked with heavy point. Wears tunic, visible over rt shoulder and arm, gathered in shallow ridge folds falling vertically from shoulder, and framing either side of rt upper arm, gathered shallow folds over arm. Toga gathered over lt side, circling back, and clinging to back of rt shoulder, gathered folds hanging down outside of rt arm. On lt side, gathered folds of umbo (?) thrown over shoulder, forming deep ridge folds; over ridge of shoulder, these bend or curl over neighboring folds, ends drilled to form finer bifurcating folds. Tooling: carefully finished drill channels in folds, some rasp in drapery channels, but surfaces very finely smoothed and finished.
Material:   Fine-crystal white marble with laminating fracture, black or micaceous veins.
Condition:   Fragment. Many joining frgts. Upper part of torso from shoulder to mid chest-front half only, lt arm to middle of lower arm, rt upper arm to above elbow. Front of chest missing as is all of back. Possibly more in marble pile. First assembled by Charles Edwards.
Manufacture:   F01 M
Dimensions Actual:   W. of shoulder ca. 0.55
Dimensions Preserved:   P. H. 0.68
Period:   1 st c. A.C.
Findspot Description:   Early excavations. From marble pile in Inner Courtyard of Museum.
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece
References:   Image: bw 2004 035 01