Corinth Object: V 191
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   V 191
Category:   Votive
Category Code:   V
Object Number:   191
Description:   Solid mouldmade male genitals on plaque, genitals made separately and attached to plaque before firing. Anatomy only roughly modelled, pubic area a schematic triangle shape.
Decoration:   White slip, red paint.
Material:   Fine reddish yellow to pink clay, with few, medium to large, subrounded to rounded, spherical to tabular, white and black inclusions, and few, small, tabular voids.
Munsell Color:   5YR 7/6 (reddish yellow) to 7.5YR 7/4 (pink)
Condition:   Missing parts. Two joining fragments, mended, preserving all of pubic area and penis except chip at its tip, and a portion of the top of the plaque, plaque broken all around and votive broken across top of scrotum. Traces of slip, paint preserved on clay surface.
Manufacture:   F28 MM
Dimensions Actual:   W. of votive 0.062, W. of penis 0.022, Th. of plaque 0.006
Dimensions Preserved:   H. 0.102, W. 0.066
Dimensions Restored:   L. of penis 0.058, Th. 0.056
Findspot Description:   Asklepieion, Votive Deposit V
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece