Corinth Object: Z 951
Collection:   Corinth
Type:   Object
Name:   Z 951
Category:   Miscellaneous
Category Code:   Z
Object Number:   951
Description:   Larger open vessel of indeterminate shape. Possibly a deep bowl or Krater.
Decoration:   White painted Scale Pattern (FM 70) on dark reddish-brown slipped field. No direct FM variant: two rows of downward facing alternating scales, with two interior U-Pattern (FM 45) fill ornaments in each scale and dash marks as fill ornament in the space between scales. The base of each row is a solid white painted line. The dark slipped register is framed on by white paint bands. At least the interior of lip (top and exterior not preserved) slipped with dark brown band.
Material:   Very fine light reddish brown clay with no inclusions or voids.
Munsell Color:   5YR 6/4 (light reddish brown)
Condition:   Fragment. Single frgt., preserving part of interior of rim.
Manufacture:   Mycenaeane Lustrous Decorated, added white painted light on dark, WM
Weight Description:   0.017
Weight:   0.017
Period:   Late Helladic IIIB
Chronology:   "Later" LH III in Blegen's terms (Blegen 1928, Zygouries, p. 139). LH IIIB pressumed based on closest parallel of FM (Furumark, 1941, Mycenaean Pottery, p. 403, 405–406).
Bibliography:   Blegen 1928, Zygouries, p. 139–140, fig. 131.1
Site:   Corinth
City:   Ancient Corinth
Country:   Greece