"dc-description","dc-title","Id","Type","Chronology","dc-publisher","Redirect","Collection","Icon","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-creator","dc-subject" "Stone scaraboid, longitudinally pierced. Strong resemblances to Lyre Player group, seals made by 8th c. BCE Cilician or N. Syrian workshop widely distributed across the Mediterranean. Cf. Boardman and Buchner 1966, JDAI 81, p. 21, figs. 28-29 for very close parallel; group first defined by E. Porada 1956, The Aegean and the Near East, figs. 51-52, p. 207. Associated with NB233 P157?","STONE SCARABOID","Corinth:Object:MF 10939","Object","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1962 090 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1962_090/1962_st_090_016.jpg::1800::1183","MF 10939","","","","Minor Finds" "Lamp with flat almond-shaped bottom, deep body with rounded profile; flat rim, edge of concave disk; groove framing tapering nozzle with large wick hole, solid lug handle.","LAMP BRONEER TYPE XXVIII","Corinth:Object:L 1634","Object","Late Roman","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2000 013 22::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2000_013/2000_st_013_022.jpg::1800::1225","L 1634","","1933/05/11","","Lamps" "Bronze earring, small and delicate, with wire circular in section, with small bronze balls fastened to it. The central appendage resembles a bunch of grapes. Found in grave in ""St. Paul's Church"". Type similar to MF-6699 (Davidson 1952, Corinth 12, cat. 2030). ; A quite similar earring has been found in Kosved, Hungary, in a grave dated to the tenth century (A.A., 1915, p. 44-45, fig. 19). See also Pittoni, op. cit., pl. IX, 3-4 (early German-Slavic, ninth-tenth centuries).","BRONZE EARRING","Corinth:Object:MF 5782","Object","10th c., based on Corinth 12","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1992 065 05::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1992_065/1992_st_065_005.jpg::1800::1207","MF 5782","","","","Minor Finds" "Terracotta mouldmade hollow seated draped female figurine leans slightly on bent lt. arm, rt. held closely to rt. side, rt. hand holds a large oinochoe against rt. knee, lt. shoulder slightly higher than rt., rt. knee bent at right angle down protrudes slightly and is parallel to couch leg. Face oblong, small deep set eyes, nose wide close to pursed lips, fleshy chin, thick locks of hair frame forehead and pulled behind neck. Wears stephane. A himation draping from lt. shoulder underneath lt. arm over lap and under rt. arm, extending to just above ankles with looped folds on lap. A diagonal fold drapes from below and on the rt. knee towards the lt. hand. Figurine wears a chiton with faint vertical folds below breasts and narrow vertical folds fall from ankles downward below himation. Handmade flattened back. Tooling on the lt. hand and vertical folds near the preserved base of figurine. Similar to the reclining male banqueter with seated female as MF-1895 (Corinth XII, p. 48 no. 302 pl. 25).","TERRACOTTA FIGURINE: SEATED FEMALE WITH BANQUETER","Corinth:Object:MF 9032","Object","Mid to late 3rd c. B.C. stylistically (Corinth XII no. 302 Deposit VI) or 188-167 B.C. based on C47-439 SAH Knidian (Grave 1985 IV Aa) or 323-251 B.C. based on Sicyon coin in well X","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1977 068 19a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1977_068/1977_st_068_019A.jpg::1197::1800","MF 9032","","1947/02/04;1947/02/05","","stephane" "Small kantharos. Small slightly rounded flat base, body carinated, maximum diameter 1/3 of way up body, small outturned lip, two vertical high-swung strap handles attached at rim and at carination.","LATE HELLADIC IA SMALL KANTHAROS","Corinth:Object:CP 287","Object","LH IA (Dietz 1991, p. 150, fig. 47, no. AA-7 from Mycenae) [ITH]","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 2599::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_2599.jpg::1800::1285","CP 287","","1915/06/18; 1915/05/07","","Pottery | Pottery before 1926" "Rectangular box plinth with flattened resting surface, vertical face, horizontal floor. Two struts on underside, at right angles to front face, set ca. 0.27 m. apart. On front face, one complete edge of 2nd. vent hole, set 0.232 m. apart, H. 0.027 above bottom. D. 0.021 m. Floor of plinth extends back to body of fallen Amazon, preserved from right side, breast to knee, left leg from hip to heel. Figure lies on back, legs bent with left raised a little higher than right, shoulders turned sideways so that right breast rests on plinth, missing left up in air. Wears short fitted garment, beneath which a short skirt of undergarment, rendered only over left thigh. Greaves on legs. Long thin object now missing, once attached to left hip and thigh. Back of left leg not carefully finished. In front of Amazon, at l., left leg, from ca. knee, down, of male, to r. in broad stride. Leg in round from above ankle, below in high relief against torso of Amazon, only first 3 toes of foot. Leg bare, foot flat on plinth. First 2 toes ca. came length with squarish nails. Vein on foot by ankles bone. To r., lower right leg of male, in deep lunge to rt. Foot raised up on toes. Pulled muscle down leg to ankle bone. On plinth top at far left a long curving tail-like object, crest of helmet (?), low in relief. Amazon torso and legs hollow. Est. W. opening of torso 0.115 m., no interior struts. Legs hollow to ca. mid-calf or slightly lower, then solid. Torso open on underside, no floor of plinth, so presumably back wall of torso continued to level of base of plinth. Left leg hollow to instep; forepart of foot hollow, but communication with instep very slight; this leg not vented with plinth, nor with Amazon. Right foot and leg hollow, vented through plinth floor. Vent hole poked down from above, just behind big toe, then turns into foot. Figures handmade with superimposed wads of clay. Wall Th. averages 0.015-0.02 m. Fine surface clay several mm. thick; in places, as leg bone of left leg, grits show through. Slight discoloration apparent on right foot and right breast of Amazon. Firing uneven, in places discolored darker. Grits dense on surface of plinth floor.","AMAZONOMACHY GROUP","Corinth:Object:SF 1932 3","Object","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1979 002 28::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1979_002/1979_sh_002_028.jpg::1800::1428","SF 1932 3","","","","Sculpture | Sculpture Fictile"