"dc-title","dc-description","dc-date","Id","dc-subject","Chronology","Collection","Icon","dc-creator","dc-publisher","Redirect","Name","UserLevel","Type" "LAMP BRONEER TYPE I","Lamp with flat base, ovoid body, curving in to outward thickened flat narrow rim. Base of nozzle and wick hole. Scar of probable horizontal lug handle opposite nozzle. Carelessly finished, adhering pellets of clay. P.Q. type IB1.","1929","Corinth:Object:KL 69","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","1st half 6th c. B.C.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 022 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_022/2001_st_022_017.jpg::1800::1189","","","","KL 69","","Object" "ARCHAIC 'COCKED HAT' LAMP","Lamp with slightly concave bottom, articulated by groove, wide flaring body with slight convex profile, flaring rim with flat thick lip, pulled out on side of lamp, pulled up vertically and pinched to form unbridged nozzle.","1929;1931","Corinth:Object:KL 70","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","late 7th-early 6th c. BCE","Corinth","","","","","KL 70","","Object" "LAMP","Potters' Quarter.","","Corinth:Object:KL 71","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","","Corinth","","","","","KL 71","","Object" "LAMP","Potters' Quarter. North Dump.","","Corinth:Object:KL 72","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 6481::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/6481_sh.jpg::1732::1800","","","","KL 72","","Object" "LAMP BRONEER TYPE I","Lamp with flat bottom, ovoid body, curving in to articulated broad flat rim that only slightly overhangs exterior, overhangs interior. Horizontal lug handle attached to body and rim. P.Q. type IA4.","1931","Corinth:Object:KL 73","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","1st half 6th c. B.C.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 022 14::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_022/2001_st_022_014.jpg::1800::1180","","","","KL 73","","Object" "ARCHAIC 'COCKED HAT' LAMP","Lamp with flat, string-cut base, wide flaring body, continuing into flaring rim turned out on side and back, and pulled up vertically to right of nozzle; rim sharply articulated from body on interior. Rim also pulled vertically, then pinched to form unbridged nozzle.","1931","Corinth:Object:KL 74","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","late 7th-early 6th c.","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 6481::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/6481_sh.jpg::1732::1800","","","","KL 74","","Object" "LAMP BRONEER TYPE I","Lamp with squat globular body, flat rim set well in from max. projection of body. Rim narrow, projecting slightly from body and overhanging interior. Large fill hole. Long, solid horizontal handle, roughly rectangular in section, tapering to blunt tip.","1931/05;1933/11","Corinth:Object:KL 75","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 020 35::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_020/2001_st_020_035.jpg::1800::1203","","","","KL 75","","Object" "ATTIC LAMP HOWLAND 16B","Lamp with bottom curving up into vertical body, broad flat rim, projecting slightly beyond body and slanting down to moderate fill hole; large nozzle with large wick hole that impinges slightly on rim. Howland type 16B.","1929;1931","Corinth:Object:KL 76","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","2nd half 6th c. to 480 BCE","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 023 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_023/2001_st_023_017.jpg::1800::1198","","","","KL 76","","Object"