"dc-title","Type","Chronology","dc-creator","Redirect","dc-date","Name","Id","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-description","dc-subject","Collection","Icon" "ASKOS","Object","","","","","Z 188","Corinth:Object:Z 188","","","buff clay, red glaze","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","" "","Object","","","","","Z 189","Corinth:Object:Z 189","","","Zygouries","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","" "SHALLOW BOWL","Object","","","","","Z 190","Corinth:Object:Z 190","","","glaze band inside lip","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","" "EARLY HELLADIC JUGLET","Object","","","","","Z 191","Corinth:Object:Z 191","","","Class B I (Glazed, partially coated ware) according to Blegen (Zygouries); tiny jug of slightly different shape as Z 93, Z42 and Z 258; It has a flat base, a squat broad body, and a relatively very large spout (Blegen, Zygouries, pg 85)","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 015 11a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_015/2002_st_015_011A.jpg::1800::1199" "TERRACOTTA FIGURINE","Object","","","","","Z 192","Corinth:Object:Z 192","","","Fragment of the forepart of a bird. It may be from an unusual pot in the sape of a bird, since the base of what may have been a large handle appears just behind the neck; this must have been a fairly high, curved basket-handle. But as no trace of a mouth appears to make the dientification as a vase certain, the fragment is included here among the miscellaneous objects of terracotta. In spite of the absence of the beak, the fragmentary condition, and the rather poor technique, the bird's head has a very naturalistic appearance. This may be due in part to the eyes, which are made of circular pellets of clay, applied plastically on each side of the head. (Blegen, Zygouries, pg 186)","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 1988 026 10::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1988_026/1988_st_026_010.jpg::1800::1205" "SMALL BASIN","Object","","","","","Z 193","Corinth:Object:Z 193","","","pale clay","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2004 024 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2004_024/2004_st_024_016.jpg::1800::1190" "PHIALE","Object","","","","","Z 194","Corinth:Object:Z 194","","","Complete or intact.","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 015 14a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_015/2002_st_015_014A.jpg::1800::1178" "ANICONIC FIGURINE","Object","","","","","Z 195","Corinth:Object:Z 195","","","Conical object; the lugs are set at a height of 0.02 m.; both lack their tip. There is no trace of paring (Blegen, Zygouries, pg 187).","Miscellaneous | Zygouries","Corinth","Corinth:Image:bw 2002 014 11a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2002_014/2002_st_014_011A.jpg::1800::1210"