"dc-publisher","Type","Name","Collection","UserLevel","dc-creator","dc-title","Id","Redirect","Icon","dc-description","dc-date","dc-subject","Chronology" "","Object","V 9","Corinth","","","VOTIVE LARGE RIGHT HAND","Corinth:Object:V 9","","","Large hand with elongated palm, flexed thumb, little modelling. Fingers seperated. Hollow with thick walls. Similar to V-275.","1931/05/04; 1931/05/06","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 10","Corinth","","","VOTIVE OVERSIZE LEFT FOOT","Corinth:Object:V 10","","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 003 34::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2003_003/2003_st_003_034.jpg::1194::1800","Over life-size votive left foot. Foot realistically modelled with long toes, carefully seperated one from the other; second toe longest, little toe curls in against fourth toe. Nails square at base, rounded at tips, carefully trimmed. Top of foot well-finished but sole flattened and only roughly finished; undersides of toes also not fully finished; cut marks visible on sides of toes. Foot hollow to shortly before base of toes; upper part of foot seems to be a large piece of clay, overlapping wads visible on bottom. Perhaps upper half made in a mould, and lower half made by hand?","1931/05/06","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 11","Corinth","","","VOTIVE","Corinth:Object:V 11","","","","1931/05/04","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 12","Corinth","","","VOTIVE","Corinth:Object:V 12","","","","1931/05/04","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 13","Corinth","","","VOTIVE","Corinth:Object:V 13","","","","1931/05/04","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 14","Corinth","","","VOTIVE","Corinth:Object:V 14","","","","1931/05/04","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 15","Corinth","","","VOTIVE","Corinth:Object:V 15","","","","1931/05/04","Votive | Votive","" "","Object","V 16","Corinth","","","VOTIVE LEFT FOOT","Corinth:Object:V 16","","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 30::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_030.jpg::1800::1180","Mouldmade left foot and ankle; hollow ankle and foot. Ankle bones modelled but not very pronounced; big toe separated from other toes but in line with them, nail of big toe modelled.","1931/05/04; 1931/05/04","Votive | Votive",""