"dc-title","dc-subject","Id","UserLevel","Name","dc-creator","dc-description","Chronology","Redirect","dc-publisher","Icon","Collection","dc-date","Type" "TERRACOTTA HORSE ON WHEELS","Miscellaneous | Theater-Shear Excavations","Corinth:Object:T 2108","","T 2108","","Horse on wheels with long barrel-shaped body widening at shoulders with projecting breast, arched neck, well-modeled head with flaring nostrils, projection at tip of upright mane, pointed ears, flat projecting disc for tail; wheels are solid disks, pierced at center with 6 spokes in low relief. Hole just behind muzzle for cord Diam. 0.003. Holes through shoulders and hindquarters for wheels.","","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1966 131 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1966_131/1966_st_131_008.jpg::1800::1185","Corinth","1930/04/15","Object" "SHALLOW BOWL, BASE","Pottery | PQ-Pottery","Corinth:Object:KP 1153","","KP 1153","","Exterior rim and floor red, but exterior unpainted; on the interior at the bottom, a male (?) figurestands before an altar, on which he lays an offering. In his left hand he holds a bow. Drawing done in the outline technique. Hair solid color, probably cuirass with","","","","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 018 27::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_018/1985_st_018_027.jpg::1800::1205","Corinth","","Object" "UNIDENTIFIED RED SLIP BOWL","Pottery","Corinth:Object:C 2013 6","","C 2013 6","","Bowl with vertical rim, inward thickened at top, with rounded lip.","","","","Corinth:Image:digital 2013 0784::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2013 season photos/2013_0784.jpg::1800::1200","Corinth","2013/04/17","Object" "TERRACOTTA FIGURINE: DANCING GROUP","Minor Finds","Corinth:Object:MF 14351","","MF 14351","","Terracotta solid handmade dancer from group moving in circle with arms joined around central figure (flutist). Each figure has body oval in section with two pinched splayed feet attaching to base. Flat roughly circular base with edge pared and smoothed. Linear ridges on backside of base from cutting with string?. Similar to MF-14347 and KT2-7, 8, 9, 10 (Corinth XV.2 Class II p. 43 no. 4-7 pl. 4).","4th c. B.C. (Corinth XV.2 Class II no. 8 dancer from Shrine of Double Stele 1st half of 4th c. B.C.)","","","Corinth:Image:bw 2007 020 20::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2007_020/2007_st_020_020.jpg::1800::1200","Corinth","1961/10/20; 1961/10/20; 1961/10/20; 1961/10/20","Object"