"dc-title","Type","Chronology","dc-creator","Redirect","dc-date","Name","Id","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-description","dc-subject","Collection","Icon" "POROS ALTAR","Object","4th c. B.C.?","","","1962/05/18","A 382","Corinth:Object:A 382","","","Poros altar with architectural features imitating large altars. Roughly cubical in shape with slightly outward flaring corners, flat bottom, roughly square feet in relief at each corner attached to relief band running around three sides, surmounted by two shallow cut horizontal lines creating 0.005 wide convex bands, continuous on three sides, two more roughly horizontal convex bands, lower one (W. 0.005) 0.035 from top and a higher one (W.0.003) 0.027 from top, triangular peaks in relief near each corner antefixes?, and square basin on top (W. 0.045) with blackened area.","Architecture | Stone Architecture","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2018 0298::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2018 season photos/2018_0298.jpg::2000::1428"