"Chronology","Collection","Id","Icon","dc-title","UserLevel","dc-date","Type","dc-creator","Redirect","dc-description","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher" "","Corinth","Corinth:Lot:LOT 1931 032","","Votive Deposit II","","","Lot","","","Drain 1931 1 in Deposit Index","LOT 1931 032","","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 44","Corinth:Image:bw 2903::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2903_gp.jpg::1800::1377","VOTIVE RIGHT LEG","","1931/04/21","Object","","","Mouldmade right lower leg and foot. Leg is hollow, open at top, narrowing as it goes down and opening into a narrow slot in sole of foot, slot from heel to middle of foot. Leg only slightly shaped. Tendon, ankle bones, and toes modelled sketchily; gouge for seperation of toes, toe nails; sole flat, rough.","V 44","Votive | Votive","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 45","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 025 21::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_025/2006_st_025_021.jpg::1193::1800","VOTIVE CHEST","","1931/04/21","Object","","","Mouldmade hollow right chest and right arm in profile. Right arm bent at 45 degree angle. Nipple modelled, incision around it. At top of shoulder, part of a hole.","V 45","F28 MM","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 49","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 005 11::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_005/2006_st_005_011.jpg::1196::1800","VOTIVE LEFT LEG","","1931/04/21","Object","","","Mouldmade lower left leg and foot. Hollow leg, opening narrows considerably as it goes down to join foot. Study leg; slight raised ridge for shin bone near top; thick ankle. Tendon and ankle bones and toes slightly modelled. Flat sole.","V 49","Votive | Votive","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 69","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_016.jpg::1800::1205","VOTIVE LEFT FOOT","","1931/04/21","Object","","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Ankle hollow, long narrow slot in sole from inner part of heel to just before ball of foot; sole flat. Ankle bone and toes modelled, toes separated from each other by grooves.","V 69","Votive | Votive","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 75","","VOTIVE FINGER","","1931/04/27; 1931/04/21","Object","","","Solid mouldmade finger, flattened at attachment to hand. Nail indicated by incised square, rounded at tip, joints indicated by two incised lines. Anatomy roughly modelled, finger cyllindrical.","V 75","Votive | Votive","" "","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 78","","VOTIVE THUMB","","1931/04/21; 1931/04/27","Object","","","Solid, mould- or handmade thumb, nail indicated by incised line.","V 78","Votive | Votive",""