"dc-publisher","dc-subject","Name","Chronology","dc-date","Type","Id","Redirect","Icon","dc-title","dc-creator","dc-description","UserLevel","Collection" "","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Kokkinovrysi | North Cemetery | Theater | Shear Excavations | Shear Excavations","Shear Excavations","","","Monument","Corinth:Monument:Shear Excavations","","Corinth:Image:bw 1985 105 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1985_105/1985_st_105_017.jpg::1800::1197","","","","","Corinth" "","Architecture | Mosaic","MOS 1925 2","","","Object","Corinth:Object:MOS 1925 2","","Corinth:Image:digital 2015 3884::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2015 season photos/2015_3884.jpg::2000::1500","TESSELATED FLOOR: HERDSMAN","","Mosaic figural panel from tesselated floor. Border on all sides: guilloche. Tesserae of cubes range from H. 0.015 and W. 0.013 to H. 0.002 and W. 0.002; larger, more square for geometric designs and smaller, irregular, for figures. Glass used for bright green and blue colors. Cubes set in cement bt artist in his atelier working from painting and subsequently completed unit in one or more pieces brought to place it was to be set; laid as whole on cement foundation. Opus vermiculatum for figures. When first found, Shear dated as Hellenistic; now considered Roman.","","Corinth"