"Redirect","dc-creator","Chronology","Name","dc-date","Type","dc-title","dc-publisher","Icon","dc-subject","dc-description","Collection","Id","UserLevel" "","","","Potters' Quarter","","Monument","","","Corinth:Image:slide 1076::/Corinth/Photos/slides/1000-1999/sl1076.jpg::1800::1217","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Ancient Corinth, West | Potters' Quarter | Potters' Quarter","Located at the western edge of the walled area of Corinth, the Potters’ quarter was a complex of workshops and domestic quarters used by potters for three centuries from the seventh century until the fourth century B.C. Excavations produced wasters (accidentally melted ceramics) of pottery made from the white marl clay underlying the limestone bedrock. Moulds indicate that the potters also made figurines, painted plaques, and votive shields. Later excavators found two stelai shrines.","Corinth","Corinth:Monument:Potters' Quarter","" "","","Late 7th or early 6th C. B.C.","KL 3","1929;1931","Object","LAMP BRONEER TYPE I","","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 022 29::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_022/2001_st_022_029.jpg::1800::1191","Lamps | PQ-Lamps","Lamp with flaring ring foot, broad flat resting surface, groove articulating flat undersurface. Squat globular body, articulated flat rim, projecting slightly less than body and overhanging interior. Scar of nozzle; scars of horizontal loop handle set opposite nozzle on upper body.P.Q. type IB3.","Corinth","Corinth:Object:KL 3",""