"Type","dc-date","Chronology","Redirect","Id","dc-publisher","dc-subject","Name","dc-creator","Collection","UserLevel","dc-description","Icon","dc-title" "Object","","","","Corinth:Object:FA 579","","Architecture | ArchTerr-Antefixes","FA 579","","Corinth","","Combination pan-cover tile with antefix, pan tile element to rt. Antefix decorated with pendant lotus and originally surmounted by palmette (now missing) in pentagonal frame. Parallel (and prob. from same roof): Argive Heraion I pl. 23.B, Van Buren, pl. IV, fig. 7 top rt.","","ARGIVE HERAION" "Object","","Second half sixth century B.C.","","Corinth:Object:SF 21","","Nike","SF 21","","Corinth","","Single fragment from right breast of Nike, somewhat under life-size. Preserved is breast, cleavage and start of swell of left breast. Wears himation draped diagonally from right shoulder, with series of stacked folds covering breast. Single forelock falls over axis of breast in flat zigzag applied to surface Statue hollow with break for central strut running vertically the length of the torso; to left of strut traces of plug, possible second plug to rt. Coarse clay applied in layers, with folds blocked out in coarse, covered with fine slip. Hair in fine clay only.","Corinth:Image:bw 1979 019 30::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1979_019/1979_st_019_030.jpg::1800::1202","TERRACOTTA NIKE: RIGHT BREAST"