"Icon","dc-description","Type","UserLevel","dc-publisher","dc-creator","dc-subject","Name","Redirect","Chronology","dc-title","Collection","dc-date","Id" "","Deposit","Basket","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | South Basilica","NB142 P160","","","","Corinth","1934/05/04","Corinth:Basket:NB142 P160" "Corinth:NotebookPage:NB 142, spread 85 (pp. 160 - 161)::/Corinth/notebooks_mid/0142/0142_s085.jpg::1661::1341","160","NotebookPage","","","","","NB 142, spread 85 (pp. 160 - 161)","","","","Corinth","4/5/1934","Corinth:NotebookPage:NB 142, spread 85 (pp. 160 - 161)" "Corinth:Drawing:103 002::/Corinth/Architectural_Plans/103_South_Basilica/103_002.jpg::1800::1743","The south basilica appears to have been built using the earlier Julian Basilica as a prototype. The entrance to the basilica from the north was via a broad marble reveted concrete staircase in a court created out of two of the former South Stoa rooms. The extant remains are of a crypto-porticus surrounding a raised, rectangular platform. The latter supported the columns defining the central space of the storey above. ; The same event which damaged the West Shops’ colonnade in the late 4th century also seems to have damaged the entrance to the basilica. An inscription identifies the same Emperors, Valentinian and Valens, as benefactors of the reconstruction work. The structure was no longer standing in the fifth century when a house was built over the eastern end of the crypto-porticus.","Monument","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area | South Basilica","South Basilica","","","","Corinth","","Corinth:Monument:South Basilica" "Corinth:Image:bw 2001 011 11::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_011/2001_st_011_011.jpg::1800::1221","","Image","","","","Corinthia | Ancient Corinth | Central Area","bw 2001 011 11","","","Bronze","Corinth","","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 011 11" "Corinth:Image:digital 2014 11137::/Corinth/Icons/PublicationCovers/12.jpg::200::272","Corinth","Publication","","American School of Classical Studies at Athens","Davidson, Gladys R.","","Davidson, Corinth 12, 1952","","","Corinth XII. The Minor Objects","Corinth","1952","Corinth:Publication:Davidson, Corinth 12, 1952"