"Type","Redirect","Name","dc-description","dc-subject","dc-publisher","dc-creator","Id","Icon","Chronology","Collection","dc-date","UserLevel","dc-title" "Object","","MF 6091","Two identical spiral hair rings made of heavy gold wire nearly 0.003 m. thick, widening toward ends, which are rounded off. \incised decoration of herring-bone pattern near each end, and a cross incised on each of the tip ends.","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6091","Corinth:Image:bw 1984 017 17::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1984_017/1984_st_017_017.jpg::1800::1203","8th c. B.C.","Corinth","","","TWO GOLD HAIR SPIRALS" "Object","","MF 6092","Two identical spiral hair rings made of thin gold wire 0.001 m. thick. The wire is circular in section except at the ends where it has been twisted into spiral form.","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6092","Corinth:Image:bw 1984 017 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1984_017/1984_st_017_016.jpg::1800::1198","8th c. BC","Corinth","","","GEOMETRIC GOLD SPIRALS" "Object","","MF 6114","Flat hoop, wrought, with ends soldered together. Raised ring around the middle","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6114","Corinth:Image:bw 1984 017 18::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1984_017/1984_st_017_018.jpg::1800::1212","8th c. BC","Corinth","","","GOLD FINGER RING" "Object","","MF 6135","Rectangular slab with impressions in one face only, back and sides roughly smoothed, with projecting band along one long side, cut by notch. In top conical pour channel from edge connects to ornament consisting of round disk (Diam. 0.013) with beaded edge, within which maltese cross, pairs of dots flanking each arm tip, concentric circles with raised dot at each arm tip, whole surrounded by wavy line, outisde of which 2 dots in each angle; outside circlet 4 large dots, pair of small plain circles (Diam. 0.007), one larger one (Diam. 0.014), each with central dot, surrounding circlet. Lead pins in two corners of slab.","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6135","Corinth:Image:bw 1995 045 28::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1995_045/1995_st_045_028.jpg::1800::1201","Context possibly Frankish","Corinth","1937/03/15","","STONE MOLD FOR JEWELRY" "Object","","MF 6136","Thin rectangular slab, with impression in one surface: large disk (Diam. 0.025), surface largely missing, with zigzag border, field unintellible except for possible Sigma. Pour channel to one side of disk.","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6136","Corinth:Image:bw 1995 045 21::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1995_045/1995_st_045_021.jpg::1800::1201","Context possibly Frankish","Corinth","1937/03/15","","STONE MOLD FOR JEWELRY" "Object","","MF 6160","Loom comb, consisting of hollow implement, triangular in section, widest at open top, tapering to tip where cut into at least 21, sharp teeth. Along upper edge, five holes, with rivets remaining in two of them. Similar to MF-5710 (Davidson 1952, Corinth 12, cat. 1229).","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6160","Corinth:Image:bw 2001 011 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2001_011/2001_st_011_012.jpg::1800::1220","Byzantine; context date unknown; 11th or 12th c. according to Corinth 12","Corinth","1937/02/08","","BRONZE LOOM COMB" "Object","","MF 6173","Bronze instrument, consisting of a round handle with blunt tip, widening and flattening into a long narrow flat blade with blunt tip, slightly split from side to side at the bottom. For surgical or medical use?","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6173","Corinth:Image:bw 1983 040 29::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1983_040/1983_st_040_029.jpg::1800::1213","Late Byzantine, context at least early 12th c.","Corinth","1937/02/09","","BRONZE IMPLEMENT WITH SPLIT RECTANGULAR BLADE" "Object","","MF 6174","Instrument with elaborate handle, from top down: 3 oval beads separated by single reels, long rectangular segment which contracts to second, narrower rectangular segment, which in turn widens to long narrow blade. One face of blade smooth, other decorated. Blade slightly split from side to side at bottom.","Minor Finds","","","Corinth:Object:MF 6174","Corinth:Image:bw 1983 040 26::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1983_040/1983_st_040_026.jpg::1800::1192","Coins to John II (1118-1143)","Corinth","1937/02/09","","BRONZE IMPLEMENT WITH SPLIT RECTANGULAR BLADE"