"dc-subject","Redirect","dc-description","Icon","Chronology","dc-title","Type","Name","UserLevel","dc-date","dc-publisher","Collection","Id","dc-creator" "","","specific view","Corinth:Image:digital 2014 11139::/Corinth/Icons/PublicationCovers/14.jpg::200::276","","Cover for Corinth 14","Image","digital 2014 11139","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Image:digital 2014 11139","" "Minor Finds | Asklepieion Terracotta Figurines","","Mouldmade solid head of a figurine. Thick neck, square face, slightly parted lips, long straight nose, shallow set eyes. Hair goes straight across brow from center part, knot in center, three horizontal sausage curls on either side of face. Flat back of figurine, not anatomically modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 064 09a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_064/1990_st_064_009A.jpg::1800::1205","","MALE HEAD","Object","TF 111","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:TF 111","" "Minor Finds | Asklepieion Terracotta Figurines","","Mouldmade solid figurine of a lion. Lion is lying on a low base, facing left, with head raised and turned out to viewer. Hole in bottom of base.","Corinth:Image:bw 2927::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2927_gp.jpg::1800::1348","","LION","Object","TF 140bis","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:TF 140bis","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Hollow ankle ending in narrow slot in sole. Flat but unevenly finished sole. Ankle bones exaggerated and incorrectly modelled. Incision for joints of toes and nails as well as modelling.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 28::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_028.jpg::1800::1184","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 1","","1931/05/04","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 1","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade mask of bearded male, back open and hollow. Hair and beard surround face, also has moustache. Texture of hair, beard and moustache made by deep narrow grooves in added clay. Lips are apart, groove with punch hole in corner seperates them. Small, narrow straight nose and punch holes for nostrils. Large eyes with thin protruding lids, deep groove above upper lid; eyebrows indicated by ridge where planes of lid and brow meet.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_012.jpg::1239::1800","","VOTIVE TERRACOTTA HEAD OF ASKLEPIOS","Object","V 40","","1931/04/18","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 40","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left hand and wrist; fingers made in same mould as hand, no seperation of fingers, all parts are solid. Hand is flat, fingers held straight out, no modelling. On top of hand (below fourth finger) is a growth, a pointed lump of clay. Incsied lines on palm and for finger joints; V-shaped groove at juncture of wrist and hand; wrist bone modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 05::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_005.jpg::1800::1432","","VOTIVE HAND","Object","V 41","","1931/04/18","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 41","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade hollow breast, hollow, on plaque and apparently not made separate. Breast is very full, rounded; very small projection at top for nipple.","Corinth:Image:bw 2915::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2915_gp.jpg::1325::1800","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 42","","1931/05/04","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 42","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right lower leg and foot. Leg is hollow, open at top, narrowing as it goes down and opening into a narrow slot in sole of foot, slot from heel to middle of foot. Leg only slightly shaped. Tendon, ankle bones, and toes modelled sketchily; gouge for seperation of toes, toe nails; sole flat, rough.","Corinth:Image:bw 2903::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2903_gp.jpg::1800::1377","","VOTIVE RIGHT LEG","Object","V 44","","1931/04/21","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 44","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade lower left leg and foot. Hollow leg, opening narrows considerably as it goes down to join foot. Study leg; slight raised ridge for shin bone near top; thick ankle. Tendon and ankle bones and toes slightly modelled. Flat sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 005 11::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_005/2006_st_005_011.jpg::1196::1800","","VOTIVE LEFT LEG","Object","V 49","","1931/04/21","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 49","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right arm with hand. Hollow arm; arm is shaped, modelling for elbow; wrist and finger joints also modelled. Hand extended straight out, well observed, realistically modelled. Grooves over thumb for flesh of joint. Palm modelled, pads of flesh indicated.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 056 10::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_056/1990_st_056_010.jpg::1800::1236","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 55","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 55","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot and ankle; solid. Tendon at back has lump above heel; large inner ankle bone. First joint of toes modelled; second joint and nails indicated by incision. Flat foot; arch for instep on inner side of sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 016 05::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_016/1990_st_016_005.jpg::1800::1202","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 71","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 71","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot and ankle. Ankle is hollow and opening ends in a long narrow slot in bottom of heel; rest of foot solid; lump of clay in hollow area but not closing space entirely. Sole flat; ankle bones, tendon, joints of toes, and nails modelled; wide groove between big toe and second toe.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 005 02::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_005/2006_st_005_002.jpg::1800::1192","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 72","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 72","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade hollow head of youth. Punch hole for nostril inside nose and groove outside; nose twisted slightly to right. Eye has heavy lids. Ear set at angle to face, added to clay on top of hair. Hair made with folded ribbons of clay; grooves for hair along top of brow. Perhaps profile view only.","Corinth:Image:bw 2952::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2952_gp.jpg::1800::1306","","VOTIVE PAINTED HEAD WITH HAIR","Object","V 73","","1931/04/22","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 73","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left arm and hand. Arm hollow; rounded top; hole in top and one on back of arm near top. Arm bent slightly; forms given shape and modelling for elbow and inside of elbow and wrist bone. Hand extends out, fingers straight. Palm modelled; two incised lines.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 056 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_056/1990_st_056_008.jpg::1800::1229","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 98","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 98","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade female head and neck, neck terminates in flange so head can stand. Hollow with hole W. ca. 0.025 in top of back of head. Oval face; long straight nose, punch holes for nostrils, groove for nostrils on outside; lozenge shape eye with heavy ridge for lids, shallow groove above upper lid; ridge for eyebrows. Teardrop earrings attached to hair where ears would be. Hair added clay with grooves for texture and different forms of styling. Hair combed back, frames face to ears; knotted braid at center which joins a braid going around head, hair at back goes toward back following shape of head.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 023 08a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_023/2006_st_023_008A.jpg::1206::1800","","VOTIVE HEAD","Object","V 99","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 99","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade fragment of head. Plaque with flange ca 0.100 high on top, hole in flange near top. Plaque has in relief preserved hair with wavy grooves for locks and small part of forehead.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_016.jpg::1800::1179","","VOTIVE HEAD","Object","V 102","","1931/05/14","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 102","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade miniature left foot. Joints of toes and outline of nails indicated by incised lines. Deep, gouged grooves separate toes. Hollow, smooth interior, from ankle to bottom of heel. Bottom of foot modelled, with slot in sole from ball to heel. Hollow in ankle vertical and cyllindrical.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 22::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_022.jpg::1800::1199","","VOTIVE LEFT FOOT","Object","V 105","","1931/05/14","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 105","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade seated child. Left leg flat on ground bent and drawn in toward body; right knee bent, foot on ground. Ball (?) in left hand which rests on left knee; right hand on right knee. Fleshy body; head tilted to one side; neckless; incision for hair; heavy lids; pudgy face.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 02::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_002.jpg::1205::1800","","VOTIVE TEMPLE BOY","Object","V 111","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 111","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade female head and neck, neck terminates in flange, flange enables head to stand. Hollow. Short thick neck. Round face. Lips are full and parted with wide groove and hole in corner. Long straight narrow nose. Shallow openings for nostrils. Eyes not similar; almond shape, shallow set; small lower lid with groove above which undercuts the lid; ridge for eyebrow. Lobe of right ear pierced with hole and punch hole for opening of ear. Hair added clay with incision for hairs and styling. Hair frames face to ear level, combed back away from face, high knot in middle of front, behind braid around head, in back hair combed back following shape of head.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 04::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_004.jpg::1800::1429","","VOTIVE HEAD","Object","V 112","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 112","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left goat's leg. Well modelled leg with tenon at top for insertion into animal's shoulder. Groove in hoof for seperation. Slant of leg when hoof placed flat indicates leg was stretched forward.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE GOAT'S LEG","Object","V 113","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 113","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male chest; three quarters chest and right arm to elbow, neck to waist; arm and body attached to each other. Hollow, hole in top, opening closed at bottom of chest and arm. Right arm at base is hollow as if for insertion of lower arm projecting forward. Chest, nipple, abdomen modelled. Modelling of back with projecting right shoulder blade and hollow on other side of spine may represent deformity or perhaps profile view only intended.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 025 11::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_025/2006_st_025_011.jpg::1800::1217","","VOTIVE CHEST","Object","V 116","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 116","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Penis from separate mould. No details or modelling of forms; rough surface.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 003 02a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_003/2006_st_003_002A.jpg::1181::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 117","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 117","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals. In each corner of pubic area a hole for suspension. Pubic hair is indicated by plastic curls with grooves for individual locks. Grooves at top of scrotum and between testicles to show skin.","Corinth:Image:digital 2017 1849::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2017 season photos/2017_1849.jpg::2000::1428","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 118","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 118","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals with a hole for suspension pierced in middle near top of pubic area. Hole in tip of penis where foreskin comes together.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_012.jpg::1211::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 119","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 119","" "Votive | Votive","","Moudmade genitals attached to a plaque. Plaque on top has three points, one at each corner and one in middle; in middle point is a hole for suspension. In back, areas behind each testicle and top of penis are hollow. Parts are from separate moulds. End of penis has incised lines to indicate gathering of foreskin. Left testical smaller than right.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 026 32::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_026/1990_st_026_032.jpg::1800::1224","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 120","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 120","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade (?) genitals attached to plaque. Pubic are triangular and covered with punch holes. Hole and horizontal gouge at tip of penis on top. Suspension holes pierced in plaque near top edge.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 003 10a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_003/2006_st_003_010A.jpg::1800::1192","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 121","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 121","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals on plaque. Plaque has raised band at top and directly below band in center two holes for suspension pierce the plaque. Shape of pubic hair is schematic, three points of a star; just above penis vertical gouges to indicate hair.","Corinth:Image:digital 2017 1851::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2017 season photos/2017_1851.jpg::2000::1428","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 122","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 122","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male genitals. Pubic area, scrotum and penis all schematized forms, no details or modelling.","Corinth:Image:bw 2913::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2913_gp.jpg::1800::1352","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 123","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 123","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Forms only rendered, no modelling or incision for details.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 14::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_014.jpg::1186::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 124","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 124","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Pubic area oval shape, shallow incised lines going in all directions to indicate hair. Rounded scrotum, pointed foreskin at tip.","Corinth:Image:bw 5738::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/5738_sh.jpg::1719::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 125","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 125","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Penis from separate mould. Forms are schematic, no details or modelling, groove separating testicles. Surface of genitals rough, clay surface of plaque smooth.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 06::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_006.jpg::1206::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 126","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 126","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Plaque has raised band at top and at ends on top pointed ""antefix."" Pubic hair, penis, and scrotum made in separate moulds, then assembled. Pubic hair is only a form, no hair indicated; grooves on sides of each testicle; grooves where foreskin comes together.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 003 14a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_003/2006_st_003_014A.jpg::1189::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 127","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 127","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade breasts attached to plaque. Plaque comes to a point on top; two suspension holes near middle and close to edge of plaque. Full, round breasts, button shaped nipples.","Corinth:Image:digital 2017 1880::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2017 season photos/2017_1880.jpg::2000::1428","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREASTS","Object","V 128","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 128","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade breast attached to plaque. Suspension hole near top edge of plaque (diam. 0.005). Breast hollow; small hole punched in back of plaque (diam. 0.004). Full, round breast, button shaped nipple.","Corinth:Image:digital 2017 1855::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2017 season photos/2017_1855.jpg::2000::1428","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 129","","1931/05/30","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 129","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade breast attached to plaque. Breast is small, cone-shaped, and pointed, button-shape nipple. Indentations/depressions around base of breast as though in attaching breast to plaque.","Corinth:Image:digital 2017 1853::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2017 season photos/2017_1853.jpg::2000::1428","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 130","","1931/05/30","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 130","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade single breast attached to plaque. Suspension holes on upper corners of plaque. Small pointed breast with nipple projecting ca. 0.008 from breast; nipple has hole in it.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 070 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_070/1976_sh_070_012.jpg::1369::1800","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 131","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 131","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade right and left ear attached to rectangular plaque; lobes of ears are pierced.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EAR","Object","V 132","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 132","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade ear, flat in back though unfinished clay surface. Wide groove and ridges to indicate forms of ear.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EAR","Object","V 133","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 133","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade hollow chest and abdomen of a seated figure. Full belly, slightly modelled chest and back. Break for left leg shows it lays flat on ground. Temple boy?","Corinth:Image:bw 2897::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2897_gp.jpg::1344::1800","","VOTIVE CHEST AND ABDOMEN","Object","V 134","","1931/05/23","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 134","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade plaque with an eye incised on it; wide groove for outline of eye and circle for pupil.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EYE","Object","V 135","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 135","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg; opening in top covered with flat clay cap; hole in center of cap, max. p. dim. 0.043. On front at top projecting lump of clay perhaps only method of finishing limb at top. One hole in each side just below top. Heavy set, muscular leg. Modelled details: dimple in outer part of buttock; sinew behind knee; circular knee cap with flesh around it; shin bone; tendon; ankle bones and toes. Flat sole. Incised nails.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 06a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_006A.jpg::1800::1185","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 137","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 137","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg. On inside of leg at top of thigh large indentation as if hunk of skin missing. Buttock realistically rendered. Leg nicely shaped. Muscle of thighs, knee, shin bone all modelled. Foot less pleasingly done. Heavy incision for nails and joints of toes; arch for instep; flat sole in back; ball of foot modelled; tool marks from working after.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 09a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_009A.jpg::1800::1207","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 138","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 138","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg to just above knee and foot. Leg is hollow, opening at top closed by a flat cap of clay which is pierced by two holes one larger than the other. Leg is nicely shaped; knee cap, shin bone modelled; tendon of ankle and ankle bone also modelled. Arch for instep; flat sole; separation of toes made by groove on underside.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 025 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_025/2006_st_025_007.jpg::1198::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 147","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 147","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left lower leg and foot. Leg hollow; opening at top closed by clay cap. A suspension hole pierces leg on each side just below cap. Shape of leg not accurate; two bumps at top of shin bone. Ankle bone, top of foot and toes well modelled; incised groove for toenails. Sole flat and rough, added seperately as was foot to leg. Very large toes for size of leg.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 34::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_034.jpg::1204::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 148","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 148","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left buttock, leg, and foot. Leg is hollow, opening closed by flat cap of clay at top. A suspension, diam. ca. 0.025 pierces leg on each side just below cap. Leg fairly shapeless, knee cap indicated but incorrectly placed in relation to back of leg. Arch for instep of foot, toes modelled; flat sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 03::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_003.jpg::1440::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 149","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 149","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right lower leg from just above knee and foot; hollow leg terminating in narrow slot in sole of foot at heel. Another smaller slot in front part of foot; sole flat; shaped for instep; arch on side. Toes modelled, separated by grooves, incision for nails. Shape of leg only indicated, thickly set. Knee and ankle bones shown. One suspension hole in one side of leg and two in other side just below top, one of two filled on inside.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 023 34a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_023/2006_st_023_034A.jpg::1189::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 150","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 150","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg and foot and buttock. Leg is hollow. Opening in upper end covered with slightly rounded clay cap, joint made smooth. Buttock pierced by one suspension hole in each side, diam. ca. 0.014. Forms of buttock, thigh, knee, calf, and foot but no details modelled or incised. Toes of foot seperated by grooves; flat sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 10::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_010.jpg::1203::1800","","VOTIVE RIGHT LEG","Object","V 151","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 151","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left leg to just above knee and foot; hollow. Opening is relatively small and walls of clay are thick. Suspension hole pierces each side of leg near top. Leg well shaped and modelled with details of muscle and bone indicated, also for ankle and foot. Arch for instep, sole flat but rough.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 005 15::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_005/2006_st_005_015.jpg::1172::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 152","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 152","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right lower lef from just above knee and foot. Hollow leg, opening at top closed with rounded cap of clay, hole diam. 0.024 in center of cap, and another hole H. 0.032 in inside of leg near top. Inner calf exaggeratedly large; knee and shin bone slightly modelled; tendon of ankle, ankle bone, sinews of foot, toes well modelled. Sole flat and rough. Long narrow slot in heel to middle of foot open up to hollow of ankle and leg.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 023 30a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_023/2006_st_023_030A.jpg::1203::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 153","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 153","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade lower left leg from just above knee and foot. Leg hollow. Suspension hole in each side of leg at knee level. Leg straight and shapeless in profile; inner calf shaped in front view. Knee sketchily modelled, shin bone exaggerated. Tendon and ankle bone modelled. Foot flat on top, groove separates toes; sole flat and rough.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 18a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_018A.jpg::1800::1212","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 154","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 154","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg with buttock and foot. Leg hollow; opening at top covered with flat clay cap. Hole in either side near top. A low bump of clay on outside of leg at level of buttock, i.e. on right hip, perhaps attempt at modelling, perhaps a growth. Leg appears to be from immature person, not shapely or muscular. Knee and ankle bone barely shown. Hollow foot, flat sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 023 15a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_023/2006_st_023_015A.jpg::1193::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 155","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 155","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot. Ankle hollow; opening at top of ankle covered with cap of clay. Holes pierced in either side of ankle near top. Sole flat but rough finish, especially on arch which appears to have been gouged out. Ankle bones and toes only slightly modelled, big toe separated from rest but in line with them, nail on big toe modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 09::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_009.jpg::1800::1204","","VOTIVE RIGHT FOOT","Object","V 156","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 156","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot and ankle. Hollow, holes, diam. 0.009 pierced on each side of ankle; a flat cap of clay covers opening in top of ankle. Cuticle of big toe nail modelled, big toe separated from but in line with other toes.","Corinth:Image:bw 2912::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2912_gp_dup.jpg::1800::1355","","VOTIVE RIGHT FOOT","Object","V 157","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 157","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot and ankle. Hollow, opening at top of ankle closed by a smooth cap of clay, joint of cap and ankle also smoothed. Holes pierce top of cap (Diam. 0.007) and bottom of sole (Diam. 0.006) directly below. Heel flat; slight arch for instep; modelling for ball of foot. Ankle bones are flat projections. Tendon, toes and nails modelled with deep grooves between toes separating them.","Corinth:Image:bw 2912::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2912_gp_dup.jpg::1800::1355","","VOTIVE RIGHT FOOT","Object","V 158","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 158","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Cap over opening in top of hollow ankle. Holes pierced through sides on ankle near top. Sole roughly finished, very slight arch for instep. Ankle bones, toes and nails modelled, with grooves separating toes and incised lines indicating nails.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 15::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_015.jpg::1800::1195","","VOTIVE LEFT FOOT","Object","V 159","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 159","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left arm and hand. Hollow arm, rounded at top; hole in center of top; one suspension hole in outside of arm near top. Arm tubular, modelling for elbow and inside of elbow V-shaped low ridge. Wrist bone modelled. Hand extended, middle finger curved. Incision in thumb front and back and in palm.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 026 31::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_026/2006_st_026_031.jpg::1190::1800","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 160","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 160","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left arm and hand. Arm is hollow, at top rounded. Tubular arm, slightly bent at elbow, hand extends out. Long, slim fingers, bent, incision for nails.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 027 26::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_027/2006_st_027_026.jpg::1201::1800","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 161","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 161","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left arm with hand. Arm is hollow, opening at top; suspension hole in each side of arm near top. Arm tubular, slight indentation for inside of elbow. Hand extended, fingers held straight out. Thumb separate; other fingers attached. Incision for nails and joints inside fingers. No modelling.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 056 04::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_056/1990_st_056_004.jpg::1800::1202","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 162","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 162","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right arm and hand. Arm is hollow; rounded at top; suspension hole front and back near top. Arm tubular, slightly bent, two incised lines on inside of elbow. Fingers bent and curled, thumb held straight.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 026 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_026/2006_st_026_008.jpg::1800::1193","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 163","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 163","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left lower arm from below elbow and hand. Hollow; opening closed with flat clay cap. Suspension hole on each side near top. Preserved is small piece of metal (iron?) coming out of and attached to one of suspension holes, and a longer piece of metal, curved and with a crook at end to fit into other hole. This was for hanging the arm. Tubular arm, hand extended, fingers straight.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 29::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_029.jpg::1800::1203","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 165","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 165","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right arm. Hollow, opening at top probably closed. Suspension hole on each side near top. Arm slightly bent; tubular, narrows along length. Muscles and form not fully modeled, elbow indicated by bend in arm.","Corinth:Image:bw 2894::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2894_gp.jpg::1352::1800","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 166","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 166","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade upper arm, from above elbow. Hollow, bottom opening closed with flat clay cap; at top rounded; large hole in top; suspension hole (Diam. 0.010) in either side near top. Arm roughly shaped with muscles modelled; two ridges for something anatomical at back or front of arm, possibly for tricep muscle (back of arm).","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 05::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_005.jpg::1184::1800","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 167","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 167","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right hand and beginning of wrist. Solid hand and fingers. A hole pierced in top and bottom of wrist. Top of hand flat. Thumb held in toward palm; second finger straight; fourth finger curves in and little finger but only slightly.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 070 08::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_070/1976_sh_070_008.jpg::1354::1800","","VOTIVE HAND","Object","V 168","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 168","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right hand and wrist. Hand solid, wrist hollow. A hole pierces wrist, one on each side. Thumb held close to second finger; second finger bent; fourth finger is crooked and leans in toward middle finger. Incised lines at joint of wrist and hand, in palm, on backs of fingers at joints and finger nails.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 030 03::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_030/2005_st_030_003.jpg::1800::1188","","VOTIVE HAND","Object","V 169","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 169","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left hand and beginning of wrist, fingers added seperately. Hollow hand, open at wrist; two small holes pierce wrist top and bottom (diam. 0.003), edge at wrist finished. Palm curves, thumb straight and held in toward palm; second and third fingers straight, curl up slightly at ends; little finger is bent. Heavy incision for lines of palms, inside of finger joints and nails, nails squared off at bottom. Knuckles and joints very slightly modelled, with first and second fingers especially roughly modelled as cyllinders.","Corinth:Image:bw 2899::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2899_gp.jpg::1800::1358","","VOTIVE LEFT HAND","Object","V 170","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 170","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade, life size or larger, right hand and wrist; fingers added. Hand is hollow; open end of wrist closed with a clay cap, smooth joint. Bottom and top of wrist pierced with a hole (Diam. 0.006), holes not aligned. Thumb is held straight and in toward palm. Second and fourth fingers curve in slightly. Almost no modelling.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 12::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_012.jpg::1197::1800","","VOTIVE RIGHT HAND","Object","V 171","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 171","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right hand and beginning of wrist. Hand and fingers are solid. Two holes pierce top and bottom of wrist. Palm is almost flat and fingers are held staright out. Knuckles are modelled. Ends of fingers and nails are flattened; joints and nails made by incision.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 030 05::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_030/2005_st_030_005.jpg::1800::1194","","VOTIVE HAND","Object","V 172","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 172","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right arm and hand. Hollow arm, rounded at top; suspension holes in each side near top. Tubular arm. Hand hangs down, fingers curved. No modelling except knuckles and palm.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_007.jpg::1800::1444","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 173","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 173","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left arm and hand. Hollow arm; rounded at top. Suspension hole in either side near top. Tubular arm, slightly bent at elbow. Hand flat, slight modelling for knuckles, thumb pad and palm. Hand extends out, fingers held straight.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 026 02::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_026/2006_st_026_002.jpg::1800::1185","","VOTIVE ARM","Object","V 174","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 174","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right lower arm, just below elbow, and hand. Hollow, rounded cap of clay covers opening at top; suspension hole in each side near top. Arm tubular without shaping or modelling. Hand extended, (fingers held out straight) flat hand, top and palm.","Corinth:Image:bw 2895::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2895_gp.jpg::1800::1359","","VOTIVE RIGHT ARM","Object","V 175","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 175","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right heel and ankle and part of leg shown in profile; back of fragment flat, like a plaque. Sole flat, ankle bone modelled, back of leg flat.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 003 19a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_003/2006_st_003_019A.jpg::1800::1203","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 178","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 178","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Hollow ankle; long narrow slot in sole of foot from toes to edge of heel; flat edge, no instep. Tendon modelled; toes well modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 004 30a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_004/2006_st_004_030A.jpg::1800::1199","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 179","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 179","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Ankle hollow; solid, flat but roughly finished sole. Spaces between toes made by narrow gouges with a sharp tool. Ankle bone and toes modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 36::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_036.jpg::1800::1212","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 180","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 180","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot and ankle; hollow ankle and foot; long narrow slot in sole from ball to edge of heel; solid toes. Joints of toes and nails made by incision.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 04::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_004.jpg::1800::1191","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 181","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 181","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left foot and ankle. Ankle hollow; opening in top of ankle closed by smooth cap of clay, joint also smooth, hole in cap. Hollow ends in narrow slot in sole from heel to middle of instep; sole flat. Slight arch for instep in side of foot. Big toe seperated from other toes. Incision and modelling for joints and nails of toes. Ankle bones and tendon modelled.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 018 19::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_018/1990_st_018_019.jpg::1800::1202","","VOTIVE FOOT","Object","V 182","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 182","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right foot. Foot and narrow part of leg hollow; long, narrow slot on sole from ball to edge of heel. Bottom of foot flat, no instep indicated. Top of foot, toe joints, nails, and ankle bones modelled as well as whole form of foot and ankle. Very small little toe nestled next to fourth toe.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 004 16a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_004/2006_st_004_016A.jpg::1800::1179","","VOTIVE RIGHT FOOT","Object","V 183","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 183","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male genitals. Pubic area flat in back, penis, and left testicle hollow in back; no modelling or details. Left versus right testicle do not appear to have been differentiated.","Corinth:Image:bw 2914::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2914_gp.jpg::1348::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 189","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 189","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals and plaque. In back of plaque, area where genitals are is hollow. Pubic hair rendered plastically by many small curls; shape comes to a point at side, rest not preserved.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 28::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_028.jpg::1800::1175","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 190","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 190","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade genitals attached to plaque. Two holes for suspension (diam. 0.004, 0.017 apart and level with each other) pierced through plaque above top of pubic hair. Grooves in side of scrotum to indicate skin and grooves between testicles.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 10::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_010.jpg::1800::1198","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS","Object","V 192","","1931/05/23","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 192","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade breast attached to plaque. Suspension hole near top edge of plaque. Breasts are hollow; small hole in flat back of breast. Full, rounded, button shape nipple.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 14::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_014.jpg::1800::1204","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREASTS","Object","V 194","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 194","" "Votive | Votive","","Large breast, hemispherical with pronounced button-like nipple. Hollow and handmade, possibly coiled; flat edge with bits of added clay where applied to missing plaque.","Corinth:Image:bw 2003 003 33::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2003_003/2003_st_003_033.jpg::1800::1176","Context last quarter 4th c.","VOTIVE LARGE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 197","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 197","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade single breast, hollow; fragment preserves front part of breast and nipple. Breast rounded, full in shape. Nipple is perforated with punch holes; large, protruding, button-like nipple. On inside, scraping marks give the appearance of the clay having been coiled into shape.","Corinth:Image:bw 1986 001 39::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1986_001/1986_st_001_039.jpg::1800::1205","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 200","","1931/05/30","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 200","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade hollow breast, attached to separately made plaque, clumps of clay from plaque adhering to base of breast. Small rounded breast, cylindrical nipple protrudes out, flat at end. Regular divets in interior, possibly from being pressed into mould.","Corinth:Image:bw 2915::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2915_gp.jpg::1325::1800","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 202","","1931/05/30","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 202","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade hollow breast, probably not attached to plaque. Small pointed breast with rounded, conical, protruding nipple. Interior smooth, bottom edge rounded.","Corinth:Image:bw 2915::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/2000-2999/2915_gp.jpg::1325::1800","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 204","","1931/05/30","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 204","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade ear without mounting. Parts of ear rendered by ridges and wide grooves between, schematic.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EAR","Object","V 205","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 205","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade plaque with eye attached to it. Eye is enclosed by raised area incised to indicate lashes all around. Incised line curving below eye on plaque.","Corinth:Image:digital 2010 3387::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2010 season photos/2010_3387.jpg::0::0","","VOTIVE EYE","Object","V 208","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 208","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade eye. Flat in back; raised ridge outlines flat eye; two incised lines for eyeball and circle for pupil.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EYE","Object","V 208a","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 208a","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade eye, flat front and back; raised ridge outlines eye, incision in ridge to indicate lashes.","Corinth:Image:digital 2020 0474::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2020 season photos/2020_0474.jpg::2048::1463","","VOTIVE EYE","Object","V 209","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 209","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg and buttock. Leg hollow, opening in top covered by slightly rounded clay cap. One hole, diam. Ca. 0.029, in each side of thigh near top. Sturdy leg merely shaped not modelled except for faint suggestion for knee.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 026 24::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_026/2006_st_026_024.jpg::1203::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 214","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 214","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade left leg and buttock and foot. Hollow leg; opening at top closed by rounded cap of clay; in center of cap a hole diam. 0.029. Nicely shaped, athletic leg; well developed calf muscles; knee not fully modelled; ridge for shin bone; wide shallow groove outlining inner calf. Tendon, ankle bones and toes also not fully modelled; grooves for seperation of toes. Flat sole; narrow slot from heel to middle of foot opening to hollow ankle and leg.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 02::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_002.jpg::1432::1800","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 215","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 215","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade right leg with buttock and foot; opening at top of hollow leg closed with flat cap of clay. A hole pierces in each side of leg near top. Next to outside hole is a knob of clay perhaps representing a lump or growth. Forms of leg without detailed modelling or much shapeliness. Toes modelled, grooves for separation. Flat sole.","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 11a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_011A.jpg::1800::1225","","VOTIVE LEG","Object","V 216","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 216","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade single breast on plaque. One suspension hole (diam. 0.004) on right side of plaque above breast, possibly another (not preserved) mirroring on left side of plaque. Breast is hollow but has thick walls, large opening through plaque into breast interior. Rounded, small, full breast with button-shaped and flat-topped nipple. Interior of breast rough, not finished.","Corinth:Image:bw 5739::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/5739_sh.jpg::1699::1800","","VOTIVE FEMALE BREAST","Object","V 218","","1932/04/15","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 218","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male genitals. One testicle solid, other partially hollow; flat in back. Grooves on side of testicle and between, incised lines on bottom, possibly for pubic hair. Anatomical features modelled. Fingerprints from maker, partially preserved in baked clay at back.","Corinth:Image:bw 5742::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/5742_sh.jpg::1707::1800","","VOTIVE MALE GENITALS WITH GILDING","Object","V 219","","1932/04/21","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 219","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade right ear attached to flat roughly square plaque, also handmade. Two holes for suspension pierce plaque behind upper part of ear. Ear appears to have no abnormalities, although representation is not entirely realistic.","Corinth:Image:digital 2010 3389::/Corinth/Photos/digital/2010 season photos/2010_3389.jpg::0::0","","VOTIVE EAR","Object","V 220","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 220","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade right and left ears attached to rectangular plaque. Two holes pierce plaque near top in center. Ears placed apart near edges of plaque. Ears crudely made.","Corinth:Image:bw 2005 029 21::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2005_029/2005_st_029_021.jpg::1800::1215","","VOTIVE EAR","Object","V 221","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 221","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade tongue? Oval shaped piece of clay, flat top and bottom with raised area to one end. Kiln separater?","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 03::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_003.jpg::1800::1193","","VOTIVE TONGUE","Object","V 223","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 223","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male head, hollow. Chin rounded; lips slightly parted, punch hole in preserved right corner; groove for outside of nostril, punch holes for nostrils, depression for philtrum; long thin nose; small eyes, heavy lid, two grooves above upper lid; modelling for brow; incised lines at top of forehead indicate the presence of hair, though broken off, form of hair not observable. In back, comb marks where it appears the clay was pressed into mold.","Corinth:Image:bw 5739::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/5000-9999/5739_sh.jpg::1699::1800","","VOTIVE HEAD: CA. 1/2 LIFE-SIZE","Object","V 224","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 224","" "Votive | Votive","","Mouldmade male head and neck; neck terminates in flange; hollow. Taenia encircles head and divides in two in back. Hair has short curls made by adding twisted ribbons of clay.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 15::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_015.jpg::1191::1800","","VOTIVE HEAD","Object","V 228a","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 228a","" "Votive | Votive","","Handmade (?) single plait of hair; long narrowing shape rounded at end; ridge or groove down center and ridges radiating down from center to edges as though to simulate a braid - very like a herringbone pattern.","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 070 16::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_070/1976_sh_070_016.jpg::1363::1800","","VOTIVE HAIR","Object","V 230","","1932/04/15","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 230","" "Votive | Votive","","Egg with small hole in top of round end, hollow.","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 04::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_004.jpg::1800::1203","","VOTIVE EGG","Object","V 231","","","","Corinth","Corinth:Object:V 231",""