"Type","dc-title","Name","dc-date","Redirect","dc-creator","Chronology","UserLevel","Id","Icon","dc-description","dc-subject","Collection","dc-publisher" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 137","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 137","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 06a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_006A.jpg::1800::1185","Mouldmade left leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg; opening in top covered with flat clay cap; hole in center of cap, max. p. dim. 0.043. On front at top projecting lump of clay perhaps only method of finishing limb at top. One hole in each side just below top. Heavy set, muscular leg. Modelled details: dimple in outer part of buttock; sinew behind knee; circular knee cap with flesh around it; shin bone; tendon; ankle bones and toes. Flat sole. Incised nails.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 138","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 138","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 024 09a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_024/2006_st_024_009A.jpg::1800::1207","Mouldmade right leg with buttock and foot. Hollow leg. On inside of leg at top of thigh large indentation as if hunk of skin missing. Buttock realistically rendered. Leg nicely shaped. Muscle of thighs, knee, shin bone all modelled. Foot less pleasingly done. Heavy incision for nails and joints of toes; arch for instep; flat sole in back; ball of foot modelled; tool marks from working after.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 147","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 147","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 025 07::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_025/2006_st_025_007.jpg::1198::1800","Mouldmade right leg to just above knee and foot. Leg is hollow, opening at top closed by a flat cap of clay which is pierced by two holes one larger than the other. Leg is nicely shaped; knee cap, shin bone modelled; tendon of ankle and ankle bone also modelled. Arch for instep; flat sole; separation of toes made by groove on underside.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 148","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 148","Corinth:Image:bw 1990 019 34::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1990_019/1990_st_019_034.jpg::1204::1800","Mouldmade left lower leg and foot. Leg hollow; opening at top closed by clay cap. A suspension hole pierces leg on each side just below cap. Shape of leg not accurate; two bumps at top of shin bone. Ankle bone, top of foot and toes well modelled; incised groove for toenails. Sole flat and rough, added seperately as was foot to leg. Very large toes for size of leg.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 149","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 149","Corinth:Image:bw 1976 069 03::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/1976_069/1976_sh_069_003.jpg::1440::1800","Mouldmade left buttock, leg, and foot. Leg is hollow, opening closed by flat cap of clay at top. A suspension, diam. ca. 0.025 pierces leg on each side just below cap. Leg fairly shapeless, knee cap indicated but incorrectly placed in relation to back of leg. Arch for instep of foot, toes modelled; flat sole.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 150","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 150","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 023 34a::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_023/2006_st_023_034A.jpg::1189::1800","Mouldmade right lower leg from just above knee and foot; hollow leg terminating in narrow slot in sole of foot at heel. Another smaller slot in front part of foot; sole flat; shaped for instep; arch on side. Toes modelled, separated by grooves, incision for nails. Shape of leg only indicated, thickly set. Knee and ankle bones shown. One suspension hole in one side of leg and two in other side just below top, one of two filled on inside.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE RIGHT LEG","V 151","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 151","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 002 10::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_002/2006_st_002_010.jpg::1203::1800","Mouldmade right leg and foot and buttock. Leg is hollow. Opening in upper end covered with slightly rounded clay cap, joint made smooth. Buttock pierced by one suspension hole in each side, diam. ca. 0.014. Forms of buttock, thigh, knee, calf, and foot but no details modelled or incised. Toes of foot seperated by grooves; flat sole.","Votive | Votive","Corinth","" "Object","VOTIVE LEG","V 152","","","","","","Corinth:Object:V 152","Corinth:Image:bw 2006 005 15::/Corinth/Photos/negatives/year_roll/2006_005/2006_st_005_015.jpg::1172::1800","Mouldmade left leg to just above knee and foot; hollow. Opening is relatively small and walls of clay are thick. Suspension hole pierces each side of leg near top. Leg well shaped and modelled with details of muscle and bone indicated, also for ankle and foot. Arch for instep, sole flat but rough.","Votive | Votive","Corinth",""