"dc-description","UserLevel","Collection","dc-creator","dc-title","Icon","Id","Redirect","Chronology","Type","dc-date","Name","dc-subject","dc-publisher" "specific view","","Corinth","","Cover for Corinth 20","Corinth:Image:digital 2014 11151::/Corinth/Icons/PublicationCovers/20.jpg::200::268","Corinth:Image:digital 2014 11151","","","Image","","digital 2014 11151","","" "Over life size nude male figure standing with weight on straight right. leg. Left leg turned slightly to the side and forward bent at the knee. Testicles turned slightly to the left due to forward position of left leg. Musculature well defined at knee and calf. Surface of legs relatively smooth, though rasp marks are visible throughout. Tree trunk support attached to right. leg. Its rough texture contrasts the smoothly finished surface of legs. Similar to S 1065.","","Corinth","","OVER LIFE-SIZE STATUE OF NUDE MALE","","Corinth:Object:S 2220","","","Object","1936/04/28","S 2220","Sculpture | Stone Sculpture",""