"dc-subject","Name","dc-publisher","Id","Redirect","Type","dc-date","Chronology","dc-title","Icon","dc-description","Collection","UserLevel","dc-creator" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120307","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120307","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Central top of face from face screen/balustrade. Preserves hair carved as thick curving locks springing from the brow with a patch of forehead below. Parts of two raised bands project from the top of the head. Sawn back surface survives.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120308","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120308","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Fragment of top right side of face from face screen/balustradeStrands of long, wavy hair in a mass at the right side of the face. The eye is carved with much detail, including incised eyeball. Trace of raised band projects from upper right side of face. Sawn back surface broken away.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120309","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120309","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Fragment of upper right side of face from face screen/balustrade preserves hair carved as series of thick horizontal bands. Right eyebrow articulated with carefully carved right eye. Part of raised band projects from right central part of face. Sawn back surface broken away.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120310","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120310","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Upper right (?) side of face from face screen/balustrade preserves large right ear and horn of a satyr (?). Sawn back surface survives.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120311","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120311","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Lower left wide of face from face screen/balustrade preserves band framing face, part of left cheek and almost all of closed mouth carefully modeled. Trace of projecting band at lower left side. Patch of sawn back surface survives.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120312","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120312","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Lowooer portion of face from face screen/balsutrade preserves part of band with smooth top framing face, and on the left side, strands of long hair carved on it. Left cheek, most of nose carved as a triangle, and all of closed mouth and chin survive. Sawn back surface broken away.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120313","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120313","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Fragment fro top of side of face from face screen/balustrade preserves patch of hair carved as thick short waves. Two raised bands project from this side of the head. Sawn back surface broken away.","Corinth","","" "Sculpture | Sculpture Unregistered (Marble Pile)","SUR 120314","","Corinth:Object:SUR 120314","","Object","","","FACE SCREEN/BALUSTRADE","","Fragment from top or side of face from face screen/balustrade preserves hair carved as thick horizontal bands. Shape of rondel on a wide top panel (?) was articulated with chisel. A patch of cheek or forehead survives. Sawn back surface survives.","Corinth","",""