[Corinth Basket] NB78 P166

Deposit 78 166 Found east of wall U (N. wall of basilica ?), near W, ca. 1.00 m. above track; see plan p. 156 ... 1915/04/28


[Corinth Monument] Julian Basilica

The Julian Basilica closes the east end of the Roman forum. It was a two story structure with cryptoporticus below and a peristyle hall above. The basilica was built in the early years of the 1st century ...


[Corinth Publication] Corinth VIII.2. Latin Inscriptions, 1896-1926

West, Allen Brown ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 8:2 This presentation of 226 Latin inscriptions found during the early years of excavation at Corinth is divided into two main sections: Inscriptions of the Republican period and Inscriptions of ... 1931