[Corinth Basket] NB88 P36

Deposit 88 36 NB088 P036 Exedra: in large clay jar just east of Wall U (plan p.11-12) together with MF-00772 - 00775, including glass bracelet ... 1925/11/19


[Corinth Notebook Page] NB 88, spread 22 (pp. 35 - 36)

35 36 Pg. 35, S of the museum, 16/11/1925, MF 780, button Pg. 35, S of the museum, 16/11/1925, MF 781, button Pg. 35, S of the museum, 16/11/1925, MF 223, BRONZE BOWL; bronge bowl Pg. 35, S of the museum, ... 16/11/1925


[Corinth Monument] Lechaion Road

The main north-south artery (cardo maximus) of the Roman city ultimately linked the Agora of Corinth with the harbor of Lechaion on the Corinthian gulf 3 kilometers to the north. In the time of Augustus, ...


[Corinth Image] bw 4006

Four bronze vases ... 1935


[Corinth Publication] Corinth XII. The Minor Objects

Davidson, Gladys R ... American School of Classical Studies at Athens ... Corinth 12 This catalogue of over 3,000 items presents a huge variety of ephemera from ancient Corinth, fascinating for the glimpses of daily life in an ancient city which they offer us. The book presents ... 1952