
[Corinth Monument] Central Shops

The central shops run from the Circular Monument to the Bema and from the Bema to the Doric colonnade extending from the West end of the South Stoa. The shops separated the Forum proper from the upper ...


[Corinth Monument] Church of St. Paul

A byzantine church which was built directly upon the Bema.


[Corinth Monument] Circular Building by Broneer House

A Roman monument 50 m west of the Odeium


[Corinth Monument] Circular Monument

At the east end of the Central Shops, immediately to the south of the apheteria (starting lines) of the Classical and Hellenistic stadia (running tracks), the original Circular Monument may date to the ...


[Corinth Monument] Decumanus

The main east-west road of the Roman city of Corinth.


[Corinth Monument] Dump of excavation

The site procured by the ASCSA in the early 1900s to place the soil removed from the excavations. Agios Athanasios used to stand on the spot which is north of the Central Area and east of the Theater ...


[Corinth Monument] East Stoa, west of Lechaion Road

The East Stoa is the name early excavators gave to the Lechaion Road Basilica.


[Corinth Monument] Forum

The Forum, lying at the heart of the Roman City was the commercial and administrative center of the city. Its orientation conforms to the surviving Classical and Hellenistic buildings, such as the South ...